Job Management

After submitting a job using the bsub command, the system will respond with a line like the following:
Job <nnnn> is submitted to queue <cpu>
where nnnn is the job ID number assigned to the job. To check the status of a submitted job
bjobs [options...]
For example, bjobs -w is to check information about your unfinished jobs To kill/terminate a running job with the job ID of nnnn
bkill jobname

Basic LSF commands

Command Description
bjobs Shows a list of your running jobs
bjobs -l JOBID Shows detailed information about your job (JOBID = job number)
bqueues Shows a list of available queues including jobs and slots
bhosts Displays hosts and their static and dynamic resources
bkill JOBID Kill job specified with JOBID
bkill 0 Kill all of your running jobs
lsload Displays load information for hosts
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