
On first connecting to a cluster you should use the collection of Module commands command to determine what software is installed on the cluster and the different versions that are available. The best way of seeing what is installed is to simply type module avail.

If you require software installed on the cluster then you may opt for one of the following alternative:

You should also take the time to familiarize yourself with the special characteristics of the compilers and other software installed on the cluster including the compiler options available to you to make the most efficient use of resources.

The following software is available on the HPC Cluster:

Software Version
Intel® Parallel Studio XE 2015 - Cluster Edition 15.0.2 20150121
GNU Compiler Collection 4.4.7, 4.9.2
Matlab R2016a
Nvidia CUDA 9.0
PGI Compilers 15.3
Intel MPI Version 5.0 Update 3 Build 20150128