
HPC Code Modernization Workshop - 13-14 October, 2016 - Schedule

Vikram-100 HPC Training -- 13-14 July, 2015
Day 1:
          Vikram-100 HPC
Day 2:
          Extracting Performance on the Next Generation Parallel platforms
          Intel Inspector XE 2015
          Intel Parallel Studio XE 2015
          Intel VTune Amplifier XE Generics
          Intel Parallel Studio XE 2015
          Programming with OpenMP

Parallel Programming Concepts and MPI -- 20-23 January, 2010
Day 1:
          Overview of HPC
          Overview of Parallel Computing
          Uniprocessor Optimization Techniques
          Details of PRL cluster
          Distributed Memory Parallelism with MPI Point to Point Communication

Day 2:
          Distributed Memory Parallelism with MPI Collective Communication.
          Parallel Algorithmic Paradigms.
          Case study on Matrix Matrix Multiplication

Day 3:
          Shared Memory Overview (OpenMP).
          Case Study: Fast Fourier Transform.
          Performance metrics, Scalability & Speed-up Analysis of codes.
          Profiling and Analysis of codes (to identify opportunities for parallelism).
Day 4:
          Hardware Accelerators.
          GPGPU with Case Study

Refresher Workshop on Parallel Programming -- 24-26 June, 2008
Day 1:
          Overview of Parallel Programming,
          Shared Memory Programming with OpenMP,
          Performance Metrics,Scalability and Speed-up Analysis of Codes,
Day 2:
          Distributed Memory Parallelism with MPI,
          MPI Collective Communication,
          How to Parallelise an Application and Parallel Algorithmic Paradigms,
          Demonstration of parallelization of code using MPI,
Day 3:
          Case Study (PRL's domain related),
          HPC Cluster Overview

Workshop on Basic Level Parallel Computing -- 19-22 February, 2008
Day 1:
          About Cluster
          HPC Overview
          UniProcessor Optimization
Day 2:
          Matrix Multiplication Case Study
          Performance Metrics

Day 3:
          MPI Point-to-Point
          Parallel Algorithms
Day 4:
          MPI Collective Communication