Prof. Ravipati Raghavarao Memorial Lecture

In memory of Prof. Ravipati Raghavarao, his family has instituted a Memorial lecture to be administered by PRL.
The first Prof. R. Raghavarao Memorial lecture for the year 2024-25 will be held at PRL on 21 February 2025 and will be delivered by by a brilliant young scientist.

About Prof. Ravipati Raghavarao

Prof. Ravipati Raghavarao (fondly known as RRR) was an illustrious faculty member of PRL and served in PRL from 1966 to 1989. Prof. R. Raghavarao was one of the pioneers in the field of Aeronomy, covering all theoretical and experimental aspects of upper atmospheric investigations, whether it is ground-based radio and optical probing measurements or satellite-based experiments like topside sounders or rocket-based experiments like vapour releases and situ measurements.  

Prof. Raghavarao was born in a large family of farmers in Ongole – a coastal town in Andhra Pradesh. He obtained his B.Sc, M.Sc and DSc (1960) degrees from Andhra University, Visakhapatnam with Prof. B. Ramachandra Rao as his thesis supervisor in the field of Ionosphere. As a young and aspiring post-doc ready to take challenges, he went (1963-64) to the National Research Council, Ottawa, Canada, to work on a project related to the 9.3 cm radio survey of the Galactic plane, making significant contributions. He soon returned to the field of Ionospheric Physics, the topic that he loved most throughout his life, and worked (1965-66) at the Department of Geophysical  Sciences, University of Illinois, Chicago, USA. He returned to India in 1966 and soon was invited to join PRL by Prof. Vikram Sarabhai.

He was one of the scientists who established the top-side ionospheric sounding station in PRL during the late '60s. Using this facility, he and his students soon discovered and characterized the so-called top-side ionospheric "ledge".

He and his colleagues conducted several successful campaigns of Upper Atmospheric wind measurements from Thumba Equatorial Rocket Launching Station (TERLS) by photographic tracking and triangulation of rocket released vapour clouds. Later on, this was followed by the development of an optical technique for daytime optical measurements. He also initiated and sustained electric field measurements in the ionosphere by barium vapour releases.

From the wind data, Prof. Raghavarao and colleagues showed that the vertical wind is significant at the magnetic equator (Thumba), sowing the seed of his hunch that such winds could be the cause of the counter-electrojet phenomenon, a phenomenon wherein the ionospheric current reverses its direction at the E region altitudes. This led to the development of a theoretical model for equatorial electrojet that included the wind effects and proved that vertical winds are indeed a viable and effective mechanism to cause the equatorial counter-electrojet current.

Further, he and his co-workers developed theoretical models for explaining the conditions that are critical to understand the effects of seed perturbations and the evolution of the equatorial Spread-F phenomenon that deals with the ionospheric plasma bubbles.

After his superannuation in 1989, he went to GSFC, NASA (1990-92) to work on Dynamic Explorer data and provided clinching evidence for the equatorial temperature and wind anomalies which, till that time, remained as only one of his hunches. This was the first result on such anomalies.

He gave a new dimension and impetus to the Optical Aeronomy Program in PRL that led to the innovation of the Dayglow measurement technique and to build state of the art High-resolution Imaging and Scanning spectrometers. Many of the experimental confirmations for his early theoretical predictions have come out to be true after decades.

All through his research life, he always developed ideas first and then went about looking into data or proposing experiments to prove or disprove those. He never believed in serendipity, nor did he want to thrive on it.  He was a selfless person with a farsighted vision, a passion for science and an indomitable spirit of pursuance.  He clearly recognized talent wherever he found it and gave wholehearted encouragement for the growth of such talent. He had played a major role through his advisory capacity in shaping the space science programme in the country.  He was a true beacon to the Aeronomy scientific community much sought after by the following generations.  Most of all, he was a fine human being.

He was an elected Fellow of the Indian National Science Academy (INSA) and a recipient of the Kalapathi Kalpathi Ramakrishna Ramanathan Medal of INSA (1996).

He was interested in all the areas of sciences being pursued in PRL, was a regular attendee in all the seminars and colloquia held in PRL of all areas and actively interacted with all the faculty of PRL cutting across the research domains.

Guidelines for Nominations:

In memory of Prof. Ravipati Raghavarao, his family has instituted a Memorial Lecture to be administered by the Physical Research Laboratory, Ahmedabad. The annual lecture will alternate between an eminent senior scientist and a brilliant young scientist For the year 2024-25, the nominee will be of the brilliant young scientist category (under 45 years of age as on 01.01.2025).
  1. Eminent senior scientist: > 45 years
  2. Brilliant young scientist:  < 45 years as of last date of nomination.
[The Categories 1 and 2 will alternate every year.]
Prof. R Raghava Rao Memorial Lecture shall be given in recognition of notable contributions made by the scientists in specific subject areas.
Nominations and Last Date:
  • A notification inviting nominations for these Lectures shall be issued annually.
  • The nomination shall be made in the prescribed format via e-mail to be sent to [email protected].
  • The Heads of Institutions / Vice-Chancellors/ Heads of Departments in Universities & Institutes/ Fellows of any of the academies can nominate.
  • Self-nominations will not be considered.
  • The nominations shall be valid for three years, provided the age limit is met for young scientist category.
  • The last date for receiving nominations is 20 January 2025.
Search-cum-Selection Committee Nominations received will be considered by the Committee constituted by the Director, PRL, for the yearly Prof. R Raghavarao Memorial Lecture.
Announcement The name of the selected scientist shall be announced by the end of January or the first week of February 2025 for the 2024-25 lecture.

Other Information:

About the Memorial Lecture The Lecture will be delivered on 21 February 2025 in a ceremony where the recipient will deliverer a lecture at PRL.
The summary (to be provided by the selected scientist) of the Lecture will be included in Newsletters (Hindi and English) and social media platforms. Each memorial Lecture recipient will be presented with a plaque and a citation. A round-trip airfare to Ahmedabad for economy class and local hospitality in Ahmedabad will be covered.
Nomination Proforma Click Here
After filling the proforma with relevant information and getting filled by the Nominator, send a PDF file with relevant attachments to [email protected] by 20 January 2025.
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