PRL's Sarabhai Platinum Jubilee Professorship (STIMULI)
To commemorate Prof. Sarabhai's precious legacy, following his birth centenary year and PRL's Platinum Jubilee year, PRL is happy to initiate the Sarabhai Platinum Jubilee Professorship (STIMULI) for inviting highly motivated, early career to reputed senior scientists, working abroad. This professorship will provide a continuing stimulus to the researchers at PRL, and to expose them to the latest developments in various areas of research through interaction with visiting Professors. This STIMULI professorship will not only foster the exchange of ideas and multidisciplinary fertilization but will also have potential to initiate new science programs at PRL.
No. of Professorship: Two (2) annually
Professorship amount: The sustenance allowance of Rs. 6 Lakhs per month depending on the seniority of the Scientist concerned, plus accommodation and international travel related expenses including to and fro air-fare. If required, a Research Assistant can be provided to Senior person visiting under this scheme.
Duration: from about 3 months to maximum 12 months.
Frequency: Annually
Eligibility criteria: Any foreign national, PIO, DCI, NRI, will be eligible, but should be working abroad in research/academic institution of repute, and have a minimum 6 years of post-PhD experience. They should have proven track-record of outstanding scientific work and a desire to pursue a novel science idea in their chosen field.
Selection criteria: Names of potential candidates can be proposed by the PRL Faculties to the Director, PRL. Candidates may also apply independently. A committee will evaluate the applications on annual basis and submit recommendations to the Director, PRL for consideration.
Announcement date: Names of successful candidates will be announced every year on 30th December (Death anniversary of Prof. Vikram Sarabhai).
No. of Professorship: Two (2) annually
Professorship amount: The sustenance allowance of Rs. 6 Lakhs per month depending on the seniority of the Scientist concerned, plus accommodation and international travel related expenses including to and fro air-fare. If required, a Research Assistant can be provided to Senior person visiting under this scheme.
Duration: from about 3 months to maximum 12 months.
Frequency: Annually
Eligibility criteria: Any foreign national, PIO, DCI, NRI, will be eligible, but should be working abroad in research/academic institution of repute, and have a minimum 6 years of post-PhD experience. They should have proven track-record of outstanding scientific work and a desire to pursue a novel science idea in their chosen field.
Selection criteria: Names of potential candidates can be proposed by the PRL Faculties to the Director, PRL. Candidates may also apply independently. A committee will evaluate the applications on annual basis and submit recommendations to the Director, PRL for consideration.
Announcement date: Names of successful candidates will be announced every year on 30th December (Death anniversary of Prof. Vikram Sarabhai).