Physical Research Laboratory Alumni Association (Regd. No. Guj/2363)
The Physical Research Laboratory Alumni Association (PRLAA) was formed in the year 1991 under the Societies Registration Act 1860 in pursuance of the memorandum of the association of the society.
The eighteen founder members that proposed and formed the PRLAA were: M.S. Narayanan, N.K. Vyas, P.N. Pathak, K.P. Singhal, Y.C. Saxena, S.R. Thakore, H.S.S. Sinha, Harish Chandra, B.H. Subbaraya, Hari Om Vats, S.K. Alurkar, R.G. Rastogi, Ashok Kumar Sharma, P. Janardhan, S.K. Gupta, P. Sharma, M.B. Potdar and M. Mohan.
The objectives of the PRLAA laid in the Memorandum of Association are: (1) to promote and encourage friendly relations between the members of the association; and (2) to keep the members informed about each others whereabouts and achievements.
The first governing body to which the management of the PRLAA was entrusted comprised of: R.G. Rastogi (Chairman), M.S. Narayana (Convenor), H.S.S. Sinha (Secretary), and four members namely, Harish Chandra, S.R. Thakore, K.P. Singhal and P.N. Pathak.