Thermal Ionization Mass Spectrometer, to precisely determine chronology of processes in Earth and Planetary Systems.

Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometer
For measurements of high precision isotope ratios of H, C, N, and O in
variety of samples such as plants, water, rocks and gases to understand
different aspects of Earth System Science

Rare Gas Massspectrometer
A rare gas mass spectrometer with a laser probe to analyze sub-mm meteorite and mantle-derived samples for nitrogen and noble gas isotopic composition.

Radio Carbon Dating
For absolute dating of samples containing Carbon.
Applications in archaelogy, oceanography, quaternary geology and paleo-climate.

Single grain laser stimulated luminescence system
For optical dating of sediments using single (~200 μm) grains of quartz and feldspar.

Ion Microprobe
For analyzing isotopic composition of solids.
Extensive application to determine chronology of early Solar System processes.

Submillimeter Astronomy
Studies of inter-stellar dust, star formation and planetary atmospheres.

Space Photochemistry
Cross-section measurements of processes involving atoms, molecules and ions.

Mobile Micropulse Lidar
Aerosol optical depth studies during day and night.

Lidar at Mt Abu
Measurement of atmospheric temperature and aerosol profiles.

Infrared Telescope (At Mt. Abu)
Studies of stellar evolution, Extra-galactic Astronomy, Pulsar phenomenon, etc.

Facility at Thaltej
Logitech Thin/Polished Section Preparation Facility.

Petrological Microscope for thin/polished section studies

Stereoscopic & Optical Microscopes for mineralogical studies

Low background, high sensitive Gamma Ray Spectrometry laboratory