Bash Config File Example

Every time you log into the cluster or submit a job the commands in your $HOME/.bashrc file will be executed. Here are some examples of changes that you can make to your $HOME/.bashrc file using a text editor so that your environment is automatically configured when a new shell is opened.

Adding module commands to your .bashrc

As can be seen on the modules page the majority of software on one of Vikram-100 is not available until the module command is used to load the software. By adding the relevant snippets to the .bashrc you can automatically load certain modules each time a new session is opened.

The first snippet clears any modules that may be globally loaded:

# Clear any modules that may have been globally set
module purge

Adding environment variables to your .bashrc

Loading software via the module command changes the PATH and LIBRARY variables but you can also make changes to these variables yourself.

The first snippet shows how you can add a directory such as $HOME/bin to your $PATH so that you can put commands and scripts there to run them more easily.

# Add $HOME/bin to your $PATH to make your commands easier to run.

The next snippet shows how you can change the LD_LIBRARY_PATH so that your local library directory such as $HOME/MyLibrary is included in the library search path.

# Add $HOME/MyLibrary directory to $LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable.

With both the PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH the order of the directories is the order that they are searched in. If you have want to make sure that the library in your $HOME/MyLibrary is loaded instead of a library of the same name elsewhere then the following snippet shows how

# Add $HOME/MyLibrary directory to $LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable.

You can also create your own environment variables such as $MY_VARIABLE which you can then use in your commands and scripts. For example

# Create a new variable $MY_VARIABLE so that it is available for later use.
export MY_VARIABLE=$HOME/code/example
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