Garuda FAQs


GARUDA is India's first national grid initiative bringing together academic, scientific and research communities for developing their data and compute intensive applications with guaranteed QoS. GARUDA grid is an aggregation of resources comprising of computational nodes, mass storage and scientific instruments distributed across the country.

The Department of Information Technology (DIT), Government of India, has funded Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC) to deploy the nation-wide computational grid “GARUDA” spanning across 17 cities and 45 institutions with an aim to bring Distributed/Grid networked infrastructure to academic labs, research labs and industries in India.

How to Get Grid Garuda Network Access Login? Garuda can only be accessed using SSH.
  1. ssh garuda
  2. Enter your username and password (same as your PRL E-mail)
  3. After successfully login execute firefox and type the address
  4. Now, click on Sign Up and then RequestCertificate
  5. Fill up the form with required information (like Name, PRL E-mail address, Project Name, etc) Kindly Enter Garuda Contact Person Name as Dr. Varun Sheel and Garuda Contact Person Email Address as [email protected] who is the PRL Local Grid Garuda Network Access Account Approving Authority
  6. After getting approval from Local Grid Garuda Account Approving Authority, C-DAC will create a certificate, enable your account to use Grid Garuda Network Resources and will inform the user by e-mail
How to run a job on available Grid Garuda Resources? There are two ways to execute a job on available Grid Garuda Resources. First option allows users to execute pre-compiled executable compatible with available resources. Second option allows users to generate and run executable on remote machine.
  1. Using Grid Garuda Job Submission Web Portal
    1. Login to garuda (ssh garuda)
    2. Enter your username and password same as prl1
    3. After successfully login execute firefox. Open the address
    4. Enter your Grid Garuda Login and Password
    5. After successful login will open a page and allow you to execute your pre-compiled serial / parallel job on available Grid Garuda Resources. The page also provides information about Available Resources, Network Status, FAQ, Help, etc.
  2. Using Remote Login -- ssh
    1. Login to garuda ssh garuda
    2. Enter your username and password (same as PRL E-mail)
    3. After successfully login execute the command ssh gridfs
    4. Enter your Garuda Network Login and Password. Generate proxy credential to access any available Grid Garuda resources
    5. Execute the command grid-proxy-init
    6. Now, to login on available garuda resources, execute the command: gsissh [ip address]
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