Tenders and Contracts
GST Clarification NIT No: PRLADM-GNContractsUSO�8-19/01 Dated 09/04/2018
GST Clarification NIT No: PRLADM-GNContractsIRO�7-18 Dated 15/02/2018
GST Clarification NIT No: PRLADM-GNContractsIRO�7-18 Dated 15/02/2018
There are no Current Tenders Available
Tenders and Contracts Archive
- E-Tender Notice No.: PRL/CMG/e-Tender 28/2023-24 dated 12-02-2024 Geotechnical investigation for proposed construction of 8 nos. D type quarter at PRL staff quarter premises, Mt. Abu, Sirohi, Rajasthan.
- GeM Tender Notification No. PRL/PURCHASE/ PT-28/23-24 Dated 08-02-2024 for supply of VPT Make EMI Filter and DC-DC Converters and RTAX-S/SL Hardware Prototyping Adaptor with Test System.
- GeM Tender Notification No. PRL/PURCHASE/ PT-27 /23-24 Dated 31-01-2024 for supply, installation, testing and commissioning of Saturable Absorber Mirrors, Luminescence Reader and Diode Laser with Integrated Driver
- EGPS Tender Notification No. PRL/PURCHASE/ GT-07/23-24 Dated 15-01-2024
- GeM Tender Notification No. PRL/PURCHASE/ PT-26/23-24 Dated 15-01-2024
- E-Tender Notice No.: PRL/CMG/e-Tender 27/2023-24 - Electrical maintenance work in the library at PRL Thaltej Campus, Ahmedabad.
- PRL/CMG/e-Tender 26/2023-24 - Construction of 08 Nos. of “D” Type quarters at PRL Staff Quarters premises, Gora Chapra, Mt. Abu, Rajasthan - Civil, PH and Electrical works
- EGPS Tender Notification No. PRL/PURCHASE/ GT-06/23-24 Dated 05-01-2024 for the supply, installation, testing and commissioning of Micro-FTIR System
- PRL/CMG/e-Tender 21/2023-24 - Bi-Annual rate contract for providing pandal/Shamiyana facility including table counters, carpets, sidewall and other items on rental basis as required for various functions in PRL premises, Ahmedabad.
- PRL/CMG/e-Tender 22/2023-24 - Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of power fence energizer including software and interfacing cards by utilizing the existing power fence grid, at PRL Main campus, Ahmedabad.
- PRL/CMG/e-Tender 23/2023-24 - Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of FACP panels along with the integration of existing panels in ring topology at PRL main campus, Ahmedabad
- PRL/CMG/e-Tender 24/2023-24 - Power & Telephone connectivity of proposed port-a-cabin installed for Aerosol measurements at PRL Campus, Gurushikhar, Mount Abu.
- PRL/CMG/e-Tender 25/2023-24 - Annual rate contract for operation and maintenance of Civil & PH works at PRL Campuses in Ahmedabad.
- E-Tender Notice No.: PRL/CMG/e-Tender 20/2023-24 - Supply and installation of IP 68 under water fountain lights at PRL main campus, Navrangpura, Ahmedabad
- PRL/CMG/e-Tender 17/2023-24 dated 20-11-2023 Laying of precast drain and construction of recharge well in PRL Library Lawn at PRL Main Campus, Ahmedabad.
- PRL/CMG/e-Tender 18/2023-24 dated 20-11-2023 Miscellancous civil repair and maintenance work in Library at PRL Thaltej Campus, Ahmedabad.
- E-Tender Notice No.: PRL/CMG/e-Tender 19/2023-24 dated 04-12-2023 Minor and general electrical work in the laboratories, washrooms and residential areas at PRL Campuses, Ahmedabad.
- Disposal of Miscellaneous Junk Material at PRL, Guru Shikhar, Mount Abu
- GeM Tender Notification No. PRL/PURCHASE/ PT-24 /23-24 Dated 02-11-2023 for supply, installation, testing and commissioning of Optical Components
- GeM Tender Notification No. PRL/PURCHASE/ PT-25/23-24 Dated 08-11-2023 for the supply, installation and commissioning of Optical Accessories: Pocket Cell, Drivers, Power Supply.
- EGPS Tender Notification No. PRL/PURCHASE/ GT-05/23-24 Dated 01-11-2023) for the supply, installation, testing and commissioning of the Automated Graphitization Equipment (AGE) 3
- PRL/CMG/e-Tender 15/2023-24 dated 16/10/2023 Biannual rate contract for Rodent Control treatment, Disinfection Services, Fogging Operation and Post Constructional Anti termite treatment at PRL, Main & Thaltej Campus & Residential premises at Ahmedaba
- PRL/CMG/e-Tender 16/2023-24 dated 16/10/2023 Electrical maintenance works in 1.2 Mtr Telescope building, Infrared Observatory, Gurushikhar, Mount Abu, Rajasthan.
- Corrigendum to PRL/CMG/e-Tender 12/2023-24 dated 18-09-2023 - Construction of Space & Atmospheric Science Laboratory building at PRL Campus Gurushikhar, Mount Abu, Rajasthan - Civil, PH, Electrical & AC Works.
- GeM Tender Notification No. PRL/PURCHASE/ PT-23/23-24 Dated 16-10-2023 for the supply of Annual Rate Contract for Hiring Sanitation Services.
- EGPS Tender Notification No. PRL/PURCHASE/ GT-04/23-24 Dated 16-10-2023 for the supply, installation, testing and commissioning of the Reflectance Standard Calibrated Spectralon.
- PRL/CMG/e-Tender 14/2023-24 dated 06-10-2023 Carrying out Non-Destructive testing at UN Hostel Building in Guest House premises, Navrangpura, Ahmedabad and Geotechnical Investigation work at site proposed for contruction of Student Hostel Building at
- PRL/CMG/e-Tender 09/2023-24 dated 15-09-2023 Providing and fixing PPGL sheet roofing shed over first floor balconies in E2 Block at PRL Vikramnagar Housing Colony, Ahmedabad
- PRL/CMG/e-Tender 10/2023-24 dated 15-09-2023 Structural repairing and miscellaneous civil maintenance work around and inside water body in PRL Main Campus, Navrangpura, Ahmedabad
- PRL/CMG/e-Tender 11/2023-24 dated 15-09-2023 Providing and fixing Stainless Steel railing system and grating platform with supporting structure at PRL Main Campus, Navrangpura, Ahmedabad
- PRL/CMG/e-Tender 13/2023-24 dated 21-09-2023 Bi-annual contract for supply of R.O Water in 20 Litres jars by providing, installation, operation and maintenance of RO Plant at PRL Main Campus (1000 LPH) and PRL Thaltej Campus (500 LPH), Ahmedabad.
- GeM Tender Notification No. PRL/PURCHASE/ PT-22/23-24 Dated 04-10-2023 for supply, installation, testing and commissioning of Particle Size Analyzer and Climatic Chambers with Accessories
- EGPS Tender Notification No. PRL/PURCHASE/GT-03/23-24 Dated 03-10-2023 for supply, installation, testing and commissioning of Electron Beam Lithography System | Optical Reference Flat
- PRL/CMG/e-Tender 12/2023-24 Construction of Space & Atmospheric Science Laboratory Building at PRL Campus, Gurushikhar Mount Abu, Rajasthan ( Civil, PH, Electrical & AC works)
- EGPS Tender Notification No. PRL/PURCHASE/ PT-21/23-24 Dated 13-09-2023 supply, installation, testing and commissioning of Single Photon Counting Module for QKD Experiment
- EGPS Tender Notification No. PRL/PURCHASE/ PT-20/23-24 Dated 12-09-2023 for the supply, installation, testing and commissioning of Lens Assemblies and Test Setups for near infrared Instrument (NISP)
- PRL/CMG/e-Tender 8/2023-24 dated 06.09.2023 Bi-annual Mainteance Contract of Fire alarm and Smoke detection system installed at New Laboratory Building, PRL Thaltej Campus, Ahmedabad
- EGPS and GeM Tender Notification No. PRL/PURCHASE/ PT-19/23-24 Dated 08-09-2023 for supply, installation, testing and commissioning of RF Magnetron Sputtering System | Dichroic Beamsplitters | Spectrometer with InGaAs CCD | Narrow Band Interference F
- EGPS Tender Notification No. PRL/PURCHASE/GT-02/23-24 Dated 11-09-2023 for supply, installation, testing and commissioning of Uniform Light Source | Laser | LDO Regulators | Hollow-core fiber compressor | Time Controller System
- EGPS Tender Notification No. PRL/PURCHASE/ PT-18/23-24 Dated 30-08-2023 for the supply, installation, testing and commissioning of the Beam Observation System | Micro-D connectors and accessories for ground application | RHFL4913 LDO Voltage Regulato
- PRL/CMG/e-Tender 04/2023-24 dated 18.08.2023 Miscellaneous civil repair and maintenance work at IBM Building in PRL Main Campus and PRL Guest House, Navrangpura, Ahmedabad
- PRL/CMG/e-Tender 05/2023-24 dated 18.08.2023 Miscellaneous civil repair and maintenance work for setting up Genesis Element Isotopes Laboratory, civil repair and maintenance work of lift room, electrical sub-station, fencing outside planter at PRL Ma
- PRL/CMG/e-Tender 06/2023-24 dated 18.08.2023 Miscellaneous civil repair and maintenance works at IPS Building (Old Canteen Building) at PRL Thaltej Campus, Ahmedabad
- PRL/CMG/e-Tender 07/2023-24 dated 18.08.2023 Maintenance of HT & LT substation equipment of PRL Campuses at Ahmedabad and IRO Mount Abu, Rajasthan
- GeM Tender Notification No. PRL/PURCHASE/ PT-17/23-24 Dated 23-08-2023 for supply, installation, testing and commissioning of Particle Size Analyzer
- GeM Tender Notification No. PRL/PURCHASE/ PT-16/23-24 Dated 21-08-2023
- GeM Tender Notification No. PRL/PURCHASE/ PT-15/23-24 Dated 09-08-2023 for supply, installation, testing and commissioning of Multi Channel Pulse Processing System | Vaisala Ceilometer CL31 and Weather Sensor | XUV Optics | In-Situ Soil CO2 Flux Me
- GeM Tender Notification No. PRL/PURCHASE/ PT-14/23-24 Dated 09-08-2023 for the supply, installation and commissioning of X-RAY REFLECTIVITY MEASUREMENT SYSTEM | Shack Hartmann Wavefront Sensor | SINGLE PHOTON COUNTING MODULE AND ACCESSORIES | Annual
- PRL/CMG/e-Tender 01/2023-24 dated 18-07-2023 Tile Flooring work and miscellaneous civil work in Udaipur Solar Observatory, Main Campus, PRL, Udaipur, Rajasthan.
- PRL/CMG/e-Tender 02/2023-24 dated 18-07-2023 Building structural repair and maintenance work for1.2 m telescope observatory building and other allied miscellaneous civil maintenance works at Gurushikhar PRL, Mount abu, Rajasthan
- PRL/CMG/e-Tender 03/2023-24 dated 18-07-2023 Construction of New Septic Tank, Internal Painting and Miscellaneous Civil Works for Office Campus and C&D Type Quarters at Udaipur Solar Observatory, PRL, Udaipur, Rajasthan.
- GeM Tender Notification No. PRL/PURCHASE/ PT-13/23-24 Dated 25-07-2023 for the supply of PPKTP crystal
- GeM Tender Notification No. PRL/PURCHASE/ PT-11/23-24 Dated 13-07-2023 for the supply, installation and commissioning of the short wave Infrared InGaAs Camera | Laser@775 NM | EMCCD Camera along with essential accessories and software etc…
- GeM Tender Notification No. PRL/PURCHASE/ PT-12/23-24 Dated 18-07-2023 for the Bus Hiring Service -Short Term -Local
- EGPS Tender Notification No. PRL/PURCHASE/ PT-10/23-24 Dated 30-06-2023 for the supply, installation, testing and commissioning of Wavefront shaper for femtosecond laser beam | Electron Beam Lithography
- GeM Tender Notification No. PRL/PURCHASE/ PT-9/23-24 Dated 12-06-2023 for the supply, installation and commissioning of Optical Accessories | Time Tagger & Time Synchronizer
- GeM Tender Notification No. PRL/PURCHASE/ PT-8/23-24 Dated 13-06-2023 for supply, installation, testing and commissioning of Microbalance
- GeM Tender Notification No. PRL/PURCHASE/ PT-7/23-24 Dated 05-06-2023 for supply, installation, testing and commissioning of Time-resolved Laser Scanning Microscope | In-Situ Soil CO2 Flux Measurement System | InGaAs Camera | GNSS Receiver for Ionosp
- GeM Tender Notification No. PRL/PURCHASE/ PT-5/23-24 Dated 25-05-2023 for the Rate contract of Catering Services
- GeM Tender Notification No. PRL/PURCHASE/ PT-6/23-24 Dated 26-05-2023 for supply, installation, testing and commissioning of Single Photon Detectors with Accessories | EMCCD Camera | High Voltage Power Supply | Accessories of Vacuum Nanopositioners
- Minutes of pre-bid meeting held on 09th May 2023 for bid number: GEM/2023/B/3358140 for the Manufacturing, Development and Supply of Lens Barrels containing custom designed lenses and unmounted lenses for M-FOSC-EP instrument for PRL 2.5m telescope
- GeM Tender Notification No. PRL/PURCHASE/ PT-4/23-24 Dated 12-05-2023 for Manpower Outsourcing Services – Minimum Wage - Unskilled
- Clarifications of offline Pre-bid meeting held on 26/04/2023 11:00:00 Hrs against GeM Bid No. GEM/2023/B/3355549 ( GeM Tender Notification No. PRL/PURCHASE/ PT-3/23-24 Dated 20/04/2023) for for Hiring of Sanitation Services.
- Clarifications of Online Pre-Bid Meeting Held on 28/04/2023 10:00:00 Hrs w.r.t. GeM Tender Notification No. PRL/PURCHASE/ PT-2/23-24 Dated 20-04-2023 for Conducting Written Test through Computer Based Test in Online Mode for recruitment of Assistant
- GeM Tender Notification No. PRL/PURCHASE/ PT-3/23-24 Dated 18/04/2023 for the supply, installation and commissioning of Supply of unmounted Lenses and Lens Barrels | Annual rate contract for Hiring of Sanitation Services | Annual Rate Contract for Ma
- GeM Tender Notification No. PRL/PURCHASE/ PT-2/23-24 Dated 20-04-2023 for Conducting Written Test through Computer Based Test in Online Mode for recruitment of Assistant & Junior Personal Assistant. Technical Support Services Setting of Question pape
- GeM Tender Notification No. PRL/PURCHASE/ PT-1/23-24 Dated 03-04-2023 for the supply, installation and commissioning of Temperature Control Heating/Cooling Circulator along with accessories | 2K X 2K CCD Based Camera with Chiller and other Accessorie
- PRL/CMG/e-Tender 28/2022-23 dated 16-03-2023 Design, Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissiong of 50 KWp capacity On-grid roof top Solar PV Plant at New Laboratory Building, PRL Thaltej Campus, Ahmedabad.
- E-Tender Notice No.: PRL/CMG/e-Tender 29/2022-23 dated 16-03-2023 Bi-annual rate contract for providing Air coolers on rental basis at PRL main Campus and in CISF Barracks at Thaltej Campus, and Student's Hostels at PRL Navrangpura and Thaltej Campus
- E-Tender Notice No.: PRL/CMG/e-Tender 30/2022-23 dated 16-03-2023 Bi-Annual Contract for internal and external painting to various PRL buildings at Ahmedabad.
- E-Tender Notice No.: PRL/CMG/e-Tender 31/2022-23 dated 16-03-2023 Demolition of old cycle temporary parking shed near Purchase Building at PRL Main Campus Navrangpura, Ahmedabad.
- E-Tender Notice No: PRL/CMG/e-Tender 27/ 2022-23 dated 10-03-2023 - Construction of Space & Atmospheric Science Laboratory building at PRL Campus Gurushikhar, Mount Abu, Rajasthan - Civil & PH Works
- सरकारी ई बाजार (GeM) तनविदा अधधसूचना सं. PRL/PURCHASE/ PT-15/22-23 ददनांक 10-03-2023 for Hiring of Sanitation Services | Bus Hiring Services
- E-Tender Notice No.: PRL/CMG/e-Tender 26/2022-23 dated 08-02-2023 Providing power supply to mirror coating plant at IRO Campus, Gurushikhar, Mount Abu, Rajasthan.
- GeM Tender Notification No. PRL/PURCHASE/ PT-14/22-23 Dated 23-01-2023 ) for supply, installation, testing and commissioning of High Voltage Power Supply
- PRL/CMG/e-Tender 24/2022-23 dated 02-01-2023 Electrification and providing special earthing for Laser plasma laboratory at PRL Main Campus, Ahmedabad.
- PRL/CMG/e-Tender 25/2022-23 dated 02-01-2023 Replacement of central AC Plant installed in K.R. Ramnathan Auditorium with new air-cooled central AC plant using existing ducting at PRL Main Campus at Navrangpura, Ahmedabad.
- Disposal of E-waste –Information Technology & Telecommunications Equipment
- Images of Disposal Items
- CORRIGENDUM – 04/2022-23 to e-Tender notice no.: PRL/CMG/e-Tender 21/2022-23 dated 12-08-2022 Annual rate Contract for providing Pandal/Shamiyana facility including table counters, carpets, side wall and other items on rental basis as required for
- Tender for Disposal of ACs, Refrigerators, Washing Machines
- Images of Disposal Items
- PRL/CMG/e-Tender 23/2022-23 dated 27-12-2022 Miscellaneous Civil Work for restoration of Platform in front of 2.5 m diameter telescope building and other allied works at IRO, PRL Gurushikhar campus, Mount Abu
- Tender for Disposal of Workshop Machines
- Workshop Machines details with images
- GeM Tender Notification No. PRL/PURCHASE/ PT-13/22-23 Dated 20-12-2022 for the supply, installation and commissioning of (Graphitization System & Related System along with Consumables | Contract for various transportation Services)
- PRL/CMG/e-Tender 21/2022-23 dated 08-12-2022 Annual rate Contract for providing Pandal/Shamiyana facility including table counters, carpets, side wall and other items on rental basis as required for various functions in PRL premises, Ahmedabad.
- PRL/CMG/e-Tender 22/2022-23 dated 08-12-2022 Annual rate contract for operation & maintenance of Civil & PH works & miscellaneous civil works at PRL Infrared Observatory Campuses at Gurushikhar and gora chappra, Mount Abu(Sirohi) Rajasthan - Civil Wo
- PRL/CMG/e-Tender 17/2022-23 dated 30-11-2022 - Annual rate contract for aluminum partition work in PRL Main Campus at Navrangpura and Thaltej Campus at Ahmedabad
- PRL/CMG/e-Tender 18/2022-23 dated 30-11-2022 Providing and fixing false ceiling, wall panelling and antistatic PVC flooring in Laser Plasma Laboratory at PRL Main Campus in Navrangpura, Ahmedabad
- PRL/CMG/e-Tender 19/2022-23 dated 30-11-2022 Structural repair and miscellaneous Civil & PH work in PRL Vikramnagar Residencies, Vikramnagar, Ahmedabad.
- PRL/CMG/e-Tender 20/2022-23 dated 30-11-2022 Annual rate contract for operation & Maintenance of civil & PH works at PRL Campuses in Ahmedabad
- Corrigendum - 03/2022-23 to PRL/CMG/e-Tender 16/2022-23 dated 16-11-2022
- E-Tender Notice No.: PRL/CMG/e-Tender – 16/2022-23 dated 16-11-2022 Miscellaneous Civil minor, maintenance and structural repair works at various locations at PRL Main Campus, Navrangpura, Ahmedabad.
- GeM Tender Notification No. PRL/PURCHASE/ PT-12/22-23 Dated 19-10-2022: for the supply, installation, testing and commissioning of Reference Flat | 1 GBPS Point to Point Leased Line
- E-Tender Notice No.: PRL/CMG/e-Tender – 13/2022-23 dated 12-10-2022 Painting and Minor Civil works at USO Island, Rani Road, Udaipur Solar Observatory, PRL, Udaipur
- E-Tender Notice No.: PRL/CMG/e-Tender – 14/2022-23 dated 12-10-2022 Rehabilitation and restoration of three domes in PRL Mechanical Workshop at PRL Main Campus, Navrangpura, Ahmedabad
- E-Tender Notice No.: PRL/CMG/e-Tender – 15/2022-23 dated 17-10-2022 Providing Street lighting for new proposed RCC road at PRL Vikramnagar Colony & power and telephone connectivity for proposed impactor lab at Thaltej Campus, Ahmedabad
- GeM / EGPS Tender Notification No. PRL/PURCHASE/ PT-11/22-23 Dated 18-10-2022 for the Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of the Micro-Data-Centre type Server and Data Storage I EMCCD Camera System with 1K X 1K Back illuminated Electron M
- GeM Tender Notification No. PRL/PURCHASE/ PT-10/22-23 Dated 04/10/2022 for the supply, installation and commissioning of Interference Filter I ARS 4HW COOLPACK WITH ACCESSORIES I CeBr3 Scintillator coupled with SIPM I 8 Channel Oscilloscope with 1 GH
- E-Tender Notice No.: PRL/CMG/e-Tender –11/2022-23 dated 19-09-2022 - Bi-Annual Maintenance contract for refilling and testing of fire extinguishers at various campuses of PRL Ahmedabad, Staff quarters & Guest house near IIM(A), Staff quarters at Vikr
- E-Tender Notice No.: PRL/CMG/e-Tender – 12/2022-23 dated 19-09-2022 - Bi-Annual Maintenance contract for water based firefighting system installed at PRL Main campus, Ahmedabad (comprising of GLR, Pumps, Pipe Lines Valves, hydrants hose, reels etc.)
- Corrigendum 1 to NIT No: PRL/CMG/e-Tender 08/2022-23 dated 25-08-2022
- Corrigendum 2 to NIT no.: PRL/CMG/e-Tender 09/2022-23 dated 25-08-2022
- Bid Corrigendum No. 2 to GeM Tender Notification No. PRL/PURCHASE/ PT-09/22-23 Dated 01-09-2022 (GeM Bid No. GEM/2022/B/2487302)
- Bid corrigendum to Bid Number: GEM/2022/B/2487302 Dated: 12-09-2022 for Upgradation of existing HPC Cluster to sustained 850 TeraFLOPS
- Mintute of Pre bid meeting held on 10 Sep 22 Bid Number: GEM/2022/B/2487302
- E-Tender Notice No.: PRL/CMG/e-Tender 09/2022-23 dated 25-08-2022 Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of Fire Alarm Control Panel for Main Building, EPMA & Astro-Chemistry building at PRL Thaltej Campus, Ahmedabad.
- E-Tender Notice No.: PRL/CMG/e-Tender 10/2022-23 dated 25-08-2022 Construction of foundation and platform for Prefab Impactor Lab Cabin at PRL Thaltej Campus, Ahmedabad.
- E-Tender Notice No.: PRL/CMG/e-Tender – 08/2022-23 dated 25-08-2022 Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of FACP panels along with the integration of existing panels in ring topology at PRL Main Campus, Ahmedabad.
- PRL/CMG/e-Tender 07/2022-23 dated 25-08-2022 Rate contract of Labour work for Installation of Split ACs of 1.0 TR/1.5 TR/2.0 TR/3.0 TR cooling capacity at PRL Premises, Ahmedabad
- GeM / EGPS Tender Notification No. PRL/PURCHASE/ PT-08/22-23 Dated 01-09-2022 for the supply, installation, testing and commissioning of Raman Spectrometer I Electron Beam Lithography System I Peripheral Network Security Device I Digital Storage Os
- GeM Tender Notification No. PRL/PURCHASE/ PT-09/22-23 Dated 01-09-2022 for the Upgradation of existing HPC Cluster to sustained 850 TeraFLOPS
- GeM Tender Notification No. PRL/PURCHASE/ PT-07/22-23 Dated 05-08-2022: 1.2 Mtr Telescope Building Dome Refurbishment
- PRL/CMG/e-Tender 06/2022-23 dated 21.07.2022 Replacement of 40 HP S/D Starter and Supply & Laying of 4 C x 1.5 sq.mm. Copper cable at PRL Vikramnagar colony, Ahmedabad
- GeM Tender Notification No. PRL/PURCHASE/ PT-06/22-23 Dated 18-07-2022: Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of Miniature Turbo Pump, High Voltage Power Supply and Digital Intensified (EMICCD) Camera System
- GeM / EGPS Tender Notification No. PRL/PURCHASE/ PT-05/22-23 Dated 07-07-2022: Assorted UHV Pumps I Total Inorganic Analyzer with Acidification module and Coulometric Detection I Short wave Infrared InGaAs Camera I Spectrograph with InGaAs Detector I
- Corrigendum to GeM Tender Notification No. PRL/PURCHASE/ PT-04/22-23 Dated 16-06-2022 (GEM/2022/B/2230866 ICCD Camera)
- Spectrometer with ICCD Camera | Nanosecond Laser I Spectrometer with CCD Camera I Close Cycle Optical Cryostat I Turbo Molecular Pump I Ceilometer CL31 I LN2 plant for 2.5m Telescope - 120L/day capacity
- GeM Tender Notification No. PRL/PURCHASE/ PT-04/22-23 Dated 16-06-2022 (Uniform Light Source with Integrating I Optical Spectrometer I Laser I APC Battery Module, SYBTU2-PLP I ICCD Camera I TL OSL Reader with IRPL I Hollow Core Fiber Compressor Kit)
- Spatial Light Modulator (Set of 2 Modulators) | Wavefront Shaper for Femtosecond Laser Beam
- PRL/CMG/e-Tender 03/2022-23 dated 12.05.2022 Replacement of MCC starter panel and installation of a new LED Post Lamp lanterns at PRL main campus, Ahmedabad
- PRL/CMG/e-Tender 04/2022-23 dated 17.05.2022 Construction of R.C.C road from D.G. Room to E2-block at PRL Vikaramnagar Housing Colony, Ahmedabad.
- PRL/CMG/e-Tender 05/2022-23 dated 17.05.2022 Miscellaneous Civil Works-MS Shed Fabrication, PPGL roofing ,GI Chain Link Fencing, etc. at PRL Campuses in Ahmedabad
- “Service Contract for One Year for providing Catering Services at USO- PRL, Udaipur, Rajasthan (One Bid System).”
- PRL/CMG/e-Tender 01/2022-23 dated 20.04.2022 Providing and fixing false ceiling and wall panelling in laboratory for Quantum Light Source at PRL Main Campus in Navrangpura, Ahmedabad
- PRL/CMG/e-Tender 02/2022-23 dated 28.04.2022 Building Repair and maintenance work in Udaipur Solar Observatory residencies, USO, PRL, Udaipur, Rajasthan.
- 1.2m telescope coating plant Refurbishment | Refrigerated Heating and Cooling Circulator | PICOSECOND GATING ICCD | Temperature Bath (Refrigerated & Heating Circulator)
- PRL/CMG/e-Tender 46/2021-22 dated 11.03.2022 Construction of additional MS Spiral staircase for 2.5 m diameter telescope building at IRO, PRL, Mount Abu, Rajasthan. .
- PRL/CMG/e-Tender 47/2021-22 dated 11.03.2022 Structural Repair and miscellaneous Civil & PH works at E-type quarters (E1 block) in PRL Vikramnagar Residencies, Vikramnagar, Ahmedabad.
- PRL/CMG/e-Tender 45/2021-22 dated 11.03.2022 Providing Air coolers on rental basis at PRL Main Campus and in CISF Barracks at Thaltej Campus, and Student's Hostels PRL Navrangpura and Thaltej Campuses
- Gas Chromatography System | FPGA Prototyping Adaptor, Netlist Converter Software | Total inorganic carbon analyzer with acidification module and coulometric detection
- PRL/CMG/e-Tender 43/2021-22 dated 10.02.2022 Miscellaneous works for 14 Nos. E-type quarters at PRL Residences, Vikramnagar colony, Ahmedabad
- PRL/CMG/e-Tender 44/2021-22 dated 10.02.2022 Miscellaneous civil repair and maintenance works in Ion probe lab at PRL main campus, Ahmedabad.
- PRL/CMG/e-Tender 39/2021-22 dated 07.02.2022 Annual Maintenance of HT & LT substation equipment od PRL Campuses, Ahmedabad & IRO Mount Abu, Rajasthan.
- PRL/CMG/e-Tender 40/2021-22 dated 07.02.2022 Maintenance of Central AC plant installed in New Laboratory Building at PRL Thaltej Campus, Ahmedabad including replacement of 150 TR air-cooled chiller with individual air-cooled condensing units for all
- PRL/CMG/e-Tender 41/2021-22 dated 07.02.2022 Power & Telephone connectivity of newly installed port-a-cabin for Aerosol measurements at USO, PRL, Udaipur.
- PRL/CMG/e-Tender 42/2021-22 dated 07.02.2022 Supply & Laying of LT Power Cables for proposed DX type AC system at New Laboratory Building, PRL Thaltej Campus, Ahmedabad.
- Corrigendum - I dated 09.02.2022 for NIT no. PRL/CMG/e-Tender 36/2021-22 dated 17.01.2022 - Bi-annual Maintenance Contract for Telephone lines at all PRL Premises in Ahmedabad.
- Comprehensive Annual Maintenance Contract of 100 TF HPC Cluster | EMCCD Camera System with 1K X 1K Back illuminated Electron Multiplying CCD Sensor
- PRL/CMG/e-Tender 35/2021-22 dated 17.01.2022 Bi-Annual maintenance service contract of M/s. Gallageher make Power Fencing system at PRL Thaltej Campus, Ahmedabad.
- PRL/CMG/e-Tender 36/2021-22 dated 17.01.2022 Bi-annual Maintenance Contract for Telephone lines at all PRL Premises in Ahmedabad.
- PRL/CMG/e-Tender 37/2021-22 dated 17.01.2022 Miscellaneous civil maintenance works at PRL Main Campus and Guest House at Navrangpura, Ahmedabad.
- PRL/CMG/e-Tender 38/2021-22 dated 17.01.2022 Annual Rate Contract for maintenance and development of horticulture works in PRL Main campus, Thaltej Campus, Guest House near IIM, Vikram Nagar Housing Colony, Ahmedabad.
- PRL/CMG/e-Tender 32/2021-22 dated 20.12.2021 Minor and general electrical works in the Multi-storeyed building toilets, laboratories and residential areas at PRL Campuses, Ahmedabad.
- PRL/CMG/e-Tender 33/2021-22 dated 20.12.2021 Bi-annual rate contract for Rodent control treatment, Disinfection Services, Fogging operation and post constructional anti-termite treatement at PRL Main & Thaltej Campus & Residential Premises at Ahmeda
- PRL/CMG/e-Tender 34/2021-22 dated 20.12.2021 Anuual rate contract for aluminium partition work in PRL Main Campus at Navrangpura and Thaltej Campus at Ahmedabad.
- PRL/CMG/e-Tender 30/2021-22 dated 03.12.2021 Annual rate contract for Fire Alarm Control Panels' maintenance installed at Nano-SIMS Seminar Hall, KRR Auditorium, Lab no. 270, Multistoried Building, G.F., Computer Center, Femtolaser Lab & Library at P
- PRL/CMG/e-Tender 31/2021-22 dated 03.12.2021 Annual Rate Contract for maintenance of Fire Fighting System installed in D & E type tower and E2 block at PRL residencies, Vikram Nagar, Ahmedabad.
- Ultrafast Fiber Laser as per attached specifications | Spectrograph with InGaAs Detector as per specifications | Time to Digital Converter and Photon Counting System as per attached specifications | Aerial Working Platform | Rack-mount S
- PRL/CMG/e-Tender 06/2021-22 dated 02.06.2021 (Re-invited) Annual rate contract for civil minor, maintenance and structural repair works at PRL Main Campus & Staff Quarters /Guest House premises near IIM, Ahmedabad.
- PRL/CMG/e-Tender 12/2021-22 dated 17.08.2021 (Re-invited) Annual Rate Contract for maintenance and development of horticulture works in PRL Main campus, Thaltej Campus, Guest House near IIM, Vikram Nagar Housing Colony, Ahmedabad.
- PRL/CMG/e-Tender 26/2021-22 dated 10.11.2021 Annual Rate Contract for providing Housekeeping Services at PRL Main Campus, Thaltej Campus, Guest House, Students hostel & Staff Quarters near IIM and at PRL residences in Vikram nagar Housing Colony, Ahm
- PRL/CMG/e-Tender 27/2021-22 dated 10.11.2021 Bi-Annual Maintenance Contract for preventive maintenance of geysers at various PRL Premises, Ahmedabad.
- PRL/CMG/e-Tender 28/2021-22 dated 10.11.2021 Electrical works of all wash rooms of Main Building at PRL Thaltej campus, Ahmedabad.
- PRL/CMG/e-Tender 29/2021-22 dated 16.11.2021 Miscellaneous civil repair and maintenance works in Ion probe lab at PRL main campus, Ahmedabad.
- Supply, Installation, training and Commissioning of Recirculator Thermal Bath | Supply, Installation, training and Commissioning of 8 Channels Oscilloscope and 4 Channels Oscilloscope
- PRL/CMG/e-Tender 18/2021-22 dated 14.10.2021 Annual contract for internal and external painting to various PRL buildings at Ahmedabad.
- PRL/CMG/e-Tender 19/2021-22 dated 14.10.2021 Annual rate contract for operation and maintenance of Civil and PH works at PRL Thaltej Campus, PRL Residencies and Vikram nagar housing colony and Miscellaneous Civil works at PRL Thaltej Campus and Vikra
- PRL/CMG/e-Tender 20/2021-22 dated 14.10.2021 Rehabilitation and restoration of three domes in PRL Mechanical Workshop at PRL Main Campus, Navrangpura, Ahmedabad.
- PRL/CMG/e-Tender 21/2021-22 dated 14.10.2021 Renovation and Modification of all the washrooms of Main building at Thaltej Campus, PRL and Conversion of Ground floor ladies Washroom of New Building into Differently Abled washroom.
- PRL/CMG/e-Tender 22/2021-22 dated 14.10.2021 Renovation of Gents and Ladies Washrooms in multi-storied building at PRL, Main Campus, Ahmedabad - Civil and PH Works
- PRL/CMG/e-Tender 23/2021-22 dated 14.10.2021 Bi-Annual maintenance service contract of Power Fencing system at PRL Thaltej Campus, Ahmedabad.
- PRL/CMG/e-Tender 24/2021-22 dated 25.10.2021 Miscellaneous civil modification work in SPAR Building for housing new mirror coating unit situated on USO Island, Fateh Sagar Lake, Udaipur, Rajasthan.
- PRL/CMG/e-Tender 25/2021-22 dated 25.10.2021 Annual rate contract mechanised cleaning of water tanks at all heights and ground level reservoirs, elevated reservoirs of various capacities at PRL Main Campus, Staff Quarters, Guest House and UN Hostel n
- PRL/CMG/e-Tender 16/2021-22 dated 24.09.2021 Replacement of MCC Pump starter panel and Supply & Installation of 10 HP submersible pump sets at PRL Vikramnagar Colony Ahmedabad.
- PRL/CMG/e-Tender 17/2021-22 dated 24.09.2021 Restoration of Compound wall at Hill View guest house and concrete paverblock laying for parking near staff quarter's approach road of IRO, PRL, Mt. Abu, Rajasthan.
- GeM Tender Notification No.PRL/PURCHASE/ PT-05/21-22 Dated 09 Sep 21 |Electro-optic Phase Modulator as per attached specifications , Electro-optic Amplitude Modulator as per attached Specifications | Diode Laser with controller as per attached Specif
- PRL/CMG/e-Tender 14/2021-22 dated 16.09.2021 Supply of R.O. water in 20 Liters jar by providing, installation and operation of RO Plant at PRL Main Campus (1000 LPH) and PRL Thaltej Campus (500 LPH) , Ahmedabad.
- PRL/CMG/e-Tender 15/2021-22 dated 16.09.2021 Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of 02 nos. (one working and one Standby) of 5.5 TR Inverter type ductable AC at USO, Udaipur, Rajasthan.
- GeM Tender Notification No.PRL/PURCHASE/ PT-04/21-22 Dated 26 Aug 21 Supply, Installation, training and Commissioning of mirror coating plant for upcoming 2.5-meter telescope at Mount Abu Observatory, Gurushikhar, Mt. Abu, Rajasthan. | Back Illuminat
- PRL/CMG/e-Tender 10/2021-22 dated 13.08.2021 Design, Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of VRF/VRV system in shed work of Second floor in New Laboratory Building, PRL Thaltej Campus.at Ahmedabad.
- PRL/CMG/e-Tender 11/2021-22 dated 13.08.2021 : PRL/CMG/e-Tender 11/2021-22 dated 13.08.2021: PRL/CMG/e-Tender 11/2021-22 dated 13.08.2021Miscellaneous Civil Work in different buildings at PRL Thaltej Campus & PRL Main Campus at Ahmedabad.
- PRL/CMG/e-Tender 12/2021-22 dated 17.08.2021 Annual Rate Contract for maintenance and development of horticulture works in PRL Main campus, Thaltej Campus, Guest House near IIM, Vikram Nagar Housing Colony, Ahmedabad.
- PRL/CMG/e-Tender 13/2021-22 dated 17.08.2021 Construction of two nos. of recharge wells and supporting drainage network in PRL residencies premises at Vikram Nagar, Ahmedabad.
- GeM Tender Notification No.PRL/PURCHASE/ GT-02/21-22 Dated 12Aug 21
- nit nO.prl/admgn/uso/2021-22 dated 06/07/2021 Service Contract for two years for providing Housekeeping, Horticulture, Boatman/Labour, Electrician,Technician, Caretaker and Suepervisory services at various campuses of Udaipur Solar Observatory (USO)/
- NIT No.PRL/ADM-GN/CATERING/USO/2021-22 dated 15/01/2021 Annual Rae Contract for Catering Services at Udaipur Solar Observatory (USO)/PRL, Udaipur (Two bid system)
- PRL/CMG/e-Tender 08/2021-22 dated 05.08.2021 Annual rate contract for mechanized cleaning of water tanks at all heights and ground level reservoirs, elevated reservoirs of various capacities at PRL Main Campus, Staff Quarters, Guest House and UN Host
- PRL/CMG/e-Tender 09/2021-22 dated 05.08.2021 Miscellaneous Streetlight maintenance work at PRL Thaltej Campus, Ahmedabad.
- PRL/CMG/e-Tender 02/2021-22 dated 15.04.2021(Re-invited) Annual Maintenance Contract for refiling and testing of fire extinguishers at various campuses of PRL Ahmedabad, Staff Quarters and Guest House near IIM(A), Staff Quarters at Vikramnagar
- PRL/CMG/e-Tender 02/2021-22 dated 15.04.2021(Re-invited) Annual Maintenance Contract for refiling and testing of fire extinguishers at various campuses of PRL Ahmedabad, Staff Quarters and Guest House near IIM(A), Staff Quarters at Vikramnagar.
- PRL/CMG/e-Tender 06/2021-22 dated 02.06.2021 Annual rate contract for civil minor, maintenance and structural repair works at PRL Main Campus & Staff Quarters /Guest House premises near IIM, Ahmedabad.
- PRL/CMG/e-Tender 07/2021-22 dated 02.06.2021 Sanitization of building premises as precautionary measures towards Corona virus (CoVID-19) in PRL Main Campus, Thaltej Campus & housing colonies at Navarangpura and Vikram Nagar, Ahmedabad
- Corrigendum-2 of NIT No. PRL/CMG/e-Tender 03/2021-22 dated 15.04.2021 Construction of RCC pedestal and RR masonry retaining wall for resting Port-a-cabin in USO main office Premises, Udaipur Solar Observatory, PRL, Udaipur.
- GeM Tender Notification No.PRL/PURCHASE/ GT-02/21-22 Dated 19 Apr 21 Canteen Service - Employee Welfare Model - Vegetarian; Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, Snacks, Beverages
- PRL/CMG/e-Tender 03/2020-21 dated 15.04.2021 Construction of RCC pedestal and RR masonry retaining wall for resting Port-a-cabin in USO main office Premises, Udaipur Solar Observatory, PRL, Udaipur.
- PRL/CMG/e-Tender 04/2021-22 dated 26.04.2021 Construction of MS Staircases at PRL (Main Campus, Guest House & Thaltej Campus) in Ahmedabad.
- PRL/CMG/e-Tender 05/2021-22 dated 26.04.2021 Supply & Laying of LT Power Cables at PRL Thaltej Campus, Ahmedabad.
- PRL/CMG/e-Tender 02/2021-22 dated 15.04.2021 Annual Maintenance Contract for refiling and testing of fire extinguishers at various campuses of PRL Ahemdabad, Staff Quarters & Guest House near IIM(A), Staff Quarters at Vikramnagar
- PRL/CMG/e-Tender 03/2021-22 dated 15.04.2021 Construction of RCC pedestal and RR masonry retaining wall for resting Port-a-cabin in USO main office Premises, Udaipur Solar Observatory, PRL, Udaipur.
- GeM Tender Notification No.PRL/PURCHASE/ GT-01/21-22 Dated 09 Apr 21
- E-Tender Notice No.: PRL/CMG/e-Tender 01/2021-22 dated 01.04.2021 - Providing Air Coolers on rental basis at PRL Main Campus & in CISF Barracks at Thaltej Campus and Student's Hostel at PRL Navrangpura and Thaltej Campus.
- Corrigendum - I to PRL/CMG/e-Tender 13/2020-21 dated 23.02.2021 Construction of R.C.C. platform over Hill (B2 point) to accommodate temporary cabin housing aerosols and trace gases measurement instruments at Gurushikhar, Mt. Abu, Rajasthan
- PRL/CMG/e-Tender 12/2020-21 dated 23.02.2021 Sanitization of building premises as precautionary measures towards Corona virus (CoVID-19) in PRL Main Campus, Thaltej Campus & housing colonies at Navarangpura and Vikram Nagar, Ahmedabad
- PRL/CMG/e-Tender 13/2020-21 dated 23.02.2021 Construction of R.C.C. platform over Hill (B2 point) to accommodate temporary cabin housing aerosols and trace gases measurement instruments at Gurushikhar, Mt. Abu, Rajasthan
- PRL/CMG/e-Tender 11/2020-21 dated 14.12.2020 Providing sundry Services by unskilled work units for various technicians/tradesmen and Administrative, Scientific divisions/area/department at PRL Main Campus and Thaltej Campus, Dispensary etc. at Ahme
- PRL/CMG/e-Tender 09/2020-21 dated 10.09.2020 SITC of 3 TR Ductable Split AC units (2 nos.) with 3kW Tubular Air-Heaters and PID Temparature & Humidity controller including associated ducting, insulation and electrical work, for PARAS -2 Control Room
- PRL/CMG/e-Tender 10/2020-21 dated 10.09.2020 Annual Contract for maintenacne and development of horticulutre works in PRL Main Campus, Thaltej Campus, Guest House near IIM, Vikram Nagar Housing Colony, Ahmedabad.
- PRL/CMG/E-Tender 06/2020-21 dated 18.08.2020 Annual Contract for providing Housekeeping Services at PRL Main Campus, Thaltej Campus, Guest House, students hostel and staff quarters near IIM and at PRL residences in Vikramnagar Housing Colony, Ahmedab
- PRL/CMG/E-Tender 07/2020-21 dated 18.08.2020 Annual contract for operation & maintenance of Civil & PH works at PRL Thaltej Campus, PRL Residencies & Vikram Nagar Housing Colony at Ahmedabad.
- PRL/CMG/E-Tender 08/2020-21 dated 18.08.2020 Annual contract for internal and external painting to various PRL buildings at Ahmedabad.
- PRL/CMG/E-Tender 03/2020-21 dated 14.08.2020 Annual Maintenacne of HT & LT substation equipments of PRL Campuses, Ahmedabad & IRO Mount Abu, Rajasthan
- PRL/CMG/E-Tender 04/2020-21 dated 14.08.2020 Bi-Annual Maintenance Contract of Fire alarm and Smoke detection system installed at New Laboratroy Building, PRL Thaltej Campus, Ahmedabad.
- PRL/CMG/E-Tender 05/2020-21 dated 14.08.2020 Sanitization of building premises as precautionary measures towards Corona virus (CoVID-19) in PRL Main Campus, Thaltej Campus & housing colonies at Navarangpura and Vikram Nagar, Ahmedabad
- E-Tender Notice No.: PRL/CMG/E-Tender 02/2020-21 dated 31.07.2020 Annual Maintenance Contract for water based fire fighting system installed at PRL Main Campus, Ahmedabad (Comprising of GLR, Pumps, Pipe Lines valves, hydrants hose, reels etc.) and f
- NIT No. PRL/CMG/E-Tender 01/2020-21 dated 22.04.2020 Sanitization of building premises as precautionary measures towards Corona virus (CoVID-19) in PRL Main Campus, Thaltej Campus & housing colonies at Navarangpura and Vikram Nagar, Ahmedabad
- NIT no. PRL/CMG/E-Tender 28/2019-20 dated 06.03.2020 Providing Air Coolers on rental basis at PRL Main Campus and in CISF Barracks at Thaltej Campus and Student's Hostel at PRL Navrangpura and Thaltej Campuses.
- NIT no. PRL/CMG/E-Tender 29/2019-20 dated 06.03.2020 Annual General Service Contract for all split, Cassette, Tower and Window ACs of 1.0 TR, 1.5 TR, 2.0 TR, 3.0 TR & 4.0 TR installed at various PRL premises, Ahmedabad.
- NIT No. PRL/CMG/E-Tender 25/2019-20 dated 21.02.2020 Construction of RCC road and Laying of paver blocks pathway to Accelerator Lab Building at PRL Thaltej Campus, Ahmedabad
- NIT No. PRL/CMG/E-Tender 26/2019-20 dated 21.02.2020 Providing Modular panel flooring, false ceiling and walls at 2.5 m dia Telescope Building at PRL, IR Observatory, Mt. Abu Rajashtan.
- NIT No. PRL/CMG/E-Tender 27/2019-20 dated 21.02.2020 Renovation of Clean Room for Chemistry Lab at PRL main Campus, Ahmedabad by SITC of 5.5 TR AC Plant including acidic fume resistant AHU, ducting, interior works like wall paneling, Flooring etc.
- NIT No. PRL/CMG/E-Tender 23/2019-20 dated 10.02.2020 Construction of RCC Retaining Wall adjacent to the 2.50 mtr Telescope Building at PRL Gurushikhar Campus, Mount Abu, Rajasthan.
- NIT No. PRL/CMG/E-Tender 24/2019-20 dated 10.02.2020 Fabrication & erection of MS Staircases in PRL ( Main Campus, Guest House & Thaltej Campus) in Ahmedabad.
- NIT No. PRL/CMG/E-Tender 21/2019-20 dated 23.01.2020 Miscellaneous Electrical works at PRL Thaltej Campus, Ahmedabad.
- NIT No. PRL/CMG/E-Tender 22/2019-20 dated 23.01.2020 Supply and laying of LT cable from substation to Mulit-storeyed office cum labs building (M.S.B.) at PRL main Campus, Navrangpura, Ahmedabad
- NIT No. PRL/CMG/E-Tender 20/2019-20 dated 18.12.2019 General and Miscellaneous Electrial works for renovations, extensions of various buildings at PRL Main Campus, Staff quarters, hostel, Guest House and PRL bungalow near IIM at Navrangpura.
- NIT No. PRL/CMG/E-Tender 11/2019-20 dated 27.09.2019 (Re-invited 20.11.2019) Construction of R.C.C. platform over Hill (B2 point) to accommodate temporary cabin housing aerosols and trace gases measurement instruments at Gurushikhar, Mt. Abu, Rajast
- NIT No. PRL/CMG/E-Tender 12/2019-20 dated 27.09.2019 (Re-invited 20.11.2019) Miscellaneous civil repairing works of IR Observatory building in PRL campus, Gurushikhar, Mt. Abu, Rajasthan
- NIT No. PRL/CMG/E-Tender 17/2019-20 dated 20.11.2019 Structural repair and Miscellaneous Civil & PH works at PRL Vikram Nagar residencies, Vikaram Nagar, Ahmedabad.
- NIT No. PRL/CMG/E-Tender 18/2019-20 dated 20.11.2019 Annual Maintenance Contract for Fire and Smoke detection system installed at Nano-sims, Mulitstoried Building, Computer centre, Library, KRR auditorium PRL Main Campus, Ahmedabad.
- NIT No. PRL/CMG/E-Tender 19/2019-20 dated 20.11.2019 Annual rate contract for Aluminium Partition Work in PRL Main Campus at Navarangpura and Thaltej Campus at Ahmedabad.
- Corrigendum-1 for NIT No. PRL/CMG/E-Tender 15/2019-20 dated 30.10.2019 Bi-annual maintenance contract for Telephone lines at all PRL premises in Ahmedabad
- NIT No. PRL/CMG/E-Tender 13/2019-20 dated 30.10.2019 Electrical works for building extension for setting up of offices at second floor in New Laboratory Building at PRL Thaltej Campus
- NIT No. PRL/CMG/E-Tender 14/2019-20 dated 30.10.2019 Bi-annual maintenance services contract of Power Fencing system at PRL Thaltej Campus, Ahmedabad
- NIT No. PRL/CMG/E-Tender 15/2019-20 dated 30.10.2019 Bi-annual maintenance contract for Telephone lines at all PRL premises in Ahmedabad
- NIT No. PRL/CMG/E-Tender 16/2019-20 dated 30.10.2019 Replacement of existing 800 KVA Transformer with new 1250 KVA Transformer at PRL Thaltej Campus, Ahmedabad
- NIT No. PRL/CMG/E-Tender 08/2019-20 dated 27.09.2019 Bi-Annual rate contract for Rodent Control Treatment, Disinfection Services, Fogging Operation and Post-constructional anti-termite treatment at PRL main campus, Thaltej Camus and residential prem
- NIT No. PRL/CMG/E-Tender 09/2019-20 dated 27.09.2019 Miscellaneous civil repairing works at PRL Udaipur Solar Observatory office premises, Badi road, Udaipur, Rajasthan
- NIT No. PRL/CMG/E-Tender 10/2019-20 dated 27.09.2019 Restoration of two wheeler covered parking at PRL Udaipur Solar Observatory office premises, Badi road, Udaipur, Rajasthan
- NIT No. PRL/CMG/E-Tender 11/2019-20 dated 27.09.2019 Construction of R.C.C. platform over Hill (B2 point) to accommodate temporary cabin housing aerosols and trace gases measurement instruments at Gurushikhar, Mt. Abu, Rajasthan
- NIT No. PRL/CMG/E-Tender 12/2019-20 dated 27.09.2019 Miscellaneous civil repairing works of IR Observatory building in PRL campus, Gurushikhar, Mt. Abu, Rajasthan
- NIT No.PRL/CMG/E-Tender 07/2019-20 dated 20.09.2019 Supply of R.O. drinking water in 20 litres jars by providing installation and operation of RO Plant at PRL Main Campus (1000 LPH) and PRL Thaltej Campus (500 LPH), Ahmedabad
- INVITATION FOR BIDS – AMENDMENT DATED 11.09.2019, E-Procurement Tender Notification No. PRL/PURCHASE/GT-02/19-20 Dated 19.08.2019, EGPS tender no. PRL/PURCHASE/2019E0093101
- Revised specifications - Part 1 for tender no. PRL/PURCHASE/2019E0093101
- Revised specifications - Part 2 for tender no. PRL/PURCHASE/2019E0093101
- E-Procurement Tender Notification No.PRL/PURCHASE/ GT-02/19-20 Dated 19.08.2019
- NIT No.PRL/CMG/E-Tender 06/2019-20 dated 06.08.2019 Installation, testing and commissioning of 630 KVA package sub-station and cables, earthing at PRL Campus, IRO Observatory, Gurushikhar, Mount Abu, Rajasthan
- NIT No. PRL/CMG/E-tender-05/2019-20 dated 08.07.2019 Rate contract for providing operating services for 150 TR Voltas make Air cooled, chilled water air conditioning central plant and all ACs installed in PRL, Thaltej Campus
- PRL/CMD/E-tender-03/2019-20 dt. 27.06.2019 Miscellaneous civil works at second floor in new laboratory building at PRL Thaltej Campus, Ahmedabad
- PRL/CMD/E-tender-30/2019-20 dt. 01.04.2019(Re-invited 27.06.2019) Construction of 200 mm dia and 275 Mtr deep bore well in PRL main Campus, Ahmedabad
- PRL/CMD/E-tender-04/2019-20 dt. 01.07.2019 Electrical works for proposed testing facility for PARAS-2 Vacuum Chamber at PRL Thaltej campus, Ahmedabad.
- PRL/PURCHASE/GT-01/19-20
- PRL/PURCHASE/GT-01/19-20
- NIT No. PRL/CMG/E-Tender 01/2019-20 dated 08.05.2019 Annual Rate Contract for providing Housekeeping Services at PRL Main Campus, Thaltej Campus, Guest House, students hostel and staff quarters near IIM and at PRL residences in Vikramnagar Housing C
- NIT No. PRL/CMG/E-Tender 02/2019-20 dated 08.05.2019 Maintenance of HT & LT substation equipments of PRL campuses, Ahmedabad & IRO Mount Abu, Rajasthan
- NIT No. PRL/CMG/E-Tender-30/2018-19 dated 01.04.2019 (Re-invited) Construction of 200 mm dia and 275 meter deep bore well in PRL main campus, Ahmedabad.
- NIT No. PRL/CMG/E-tender-18/2018-19 dated 13.12.2018 (Re-invited) Annual Rate contract for operation and maintenance of Civil & PH works at PRL Thaltej campus, PRL residences and Vikramnagar housing colony at Ahmedabad.
- NIT No. PRL/CMG/E-Tender-30/2018-19 dated 01.04.2019 Construction of 200 mm dia and 275 meter deep bore well in PRL main campus, Ahmedabad.
- NIT No. PRL/CMG/E-tender-31/2018-19 dated 01.04.2019 Annual rate contract for civil maintenance works at PRL main campus and staff quarters / guest house premises near IIM, Ahmedabad.
- NIT No. PRL/CMG/E-tender-32/2018-19 dated 01.04.2019 Repairing / Renovation of shed besides Workshop at PRL main campus, Ahmedabad
- NIT No. PRL/CMG/E-tender-33/2018-19 dated 01.04.2019 Annual rate contract for internal and external painting to various PRL buildings at Ahmedabad
- NIT No. PRL/CMG/E-tender-34/2018-19 dated 01.04.2019 Miscellaneous civil repairing work of Liquid Nitrogen Plant Building at PRL main campus, Ahmedabad
- NIT No. PRL/CMD/E-Tender-29/2018-19 dated 22.03.2019 Providing Air Coolers on rental basis at PRL main campus and at CISF barracks at Thaltej campus, Ahmedabad
- CORRIGENDUM-1 to NIT 26 dated 18.03.2019
- NIT No. PRL/CMG/E-Tender-26/2018-19 dated 19.02.2019 Annual rate contract for providing Pandal/Shamiyana facility including table counters, carpets, side wall and other items as required for various functions at PRL premises, Ahmedabad.NIT No. PRL/CM
- NIT No. PRL/CMG/E-Tender-27/2018-19 dated 21.02.2019 Replacement of Main LT Panel of Main building, PRL Thaltej campus, Ahmedabad
- NIT No. PRL/CMG/E-Tender-28/2018-19 dated 21.02.2019 Providing special earthing for laboratories at PRL Thaltej campus, Ahmedabad
- NIT No. PRL/CMG/E-Tender-21/2018-19 dated 29.01.2019 Annual General Service Contract for all Split, Cassette, Tower and Window ACs of 1.0 TR, 1.5 TR, 2.0 TR, 3.0 TR and 4.0 TR installed at various PRL premises, Ahmedabad.
- NIT No.PRL/CMG/e-Tender-22/2018-19 dated 29.01.2019 Miscellaneous civil maintenance works at PRL Thaltej campus and Vikramnagar housing colony behind ISCON temple at Ahmedabad
- NIT No.PRL/CMG/e-Tender-23/2018-19 dated 29.01.2019 Providing modular kitchen in the PRL Guest House, Navrangpura, Ahmedabad
- NIT No.PRL/CMG/e-Tender-24/2018-19 dated 29.01.2019 Extension of planter on external side of southern compound wall at PRL main campus, Ahmedabad
- NIT No.PRL/CMG/e-Tender-25/2018-19 dated 29.01.2019 Construction of testing facility for PARAS-2 Vacuum chamber at PRL Thaltej campus, Ahmedabad
- E-Procurement Tender Notification No.PRL/PURCHASE/GT-05/18-19 Dated 01-01-2019
- E-Tender Notice No. PRL/CMG/17/2018-2019 dated 3.12.2018 Construction of Students Hostel building for Physical Research Laboratory at Udaipur, Rajasthan (including Civil, PH, Electrical and other allied works).
- NIT No. PRL/CMG/E-Tender-19/2018-19 dated 18.12.2018 Supply and Installation of streetlight poles, streetlight panel and LED bollard fittings at PRL campuses, Ahmedabad
- NIT No. PRL/CMG/E-Tender-20/2018-19 dated 18.12.2018 Miscellaneous electrical work at PRL main campus, Ahmedabad.
- NIT No. PRL/CMG/E-tender-18/2018-19 dated 13.12.2018 Annual Rate contract for operation and maintenance of Civil & PH works at PRL Thaltej campus, PRL residences and Vikramnagar housing colony at Ahmedabad.
- “Service Contract for providing Driving Service Unit (LMV) Services - PRL, Ahmedabad”.
- NIT No.PRL/CMG/E-Tender 14/2018-19 Dt 25.09.2018 Providing Sundry Services by unskilled work units for various technicians/tradesmen and administrative/scientific divisions/areas department at PRL campuses, Ahmedabad
- PRL/CMG/ E-tender- 05/2018-19 dated 25.04.2018 (Re-invited 25.09.2018) General minor electrical work for Laboratory at PRL main campus, Ahmedabad.
- NIT No. PRL/CMD/E-Tender-13/2018-19 dated 19.09.2018 Annual Rate Contract for maintenance and development of horticulture works in PRL Main Campus, Thaltej Campus, Guest House, hostel, staff quarters and PRL Bunglow premises near IIM, Vikram Nagar Ho
- NIT No: PRL/ADM-GN/2018-2019/Transport/03 Dated: 15.09.2018 “Service Contract for providing Driving Service Unit (LMV) Services - PRL, Ahmedabad”.
- CORRIGENDUM No.1 Dtd 27.07.2018 to NIT PRL/CMG/E-Tender-12/2018-19 dtd 11.07.2018 Miscellaneous urgent civil maintenance works like repairs, renovation and rectification at PRL main campus, Ahmedabad
- E-Procurement Tender Notification No.PRL/PURCHASE/GT-02/18-19
- Tender document for file no. PRL/PURCHASE/2018E0080601
- Tender document for file no. PRL/PURCHASE/2018E0077201
- Tender document for file no. PRL/PURCHASE/2018E0081501
- Tender document for file no. PRL/PURCHASE/2018E0080501
- Tender document for file no. PRL/PURCHASE/2018E0081401
- Tender document for file no. PRL/PURCHASE/2018E0080401
- Tender document for file no. PRL/PURCHASE/2018E0080801
- Tender document for file no. PRL/PURCHASE/2018E0081301
- Tender document for file no. PRL/PURCHASE/2018E0080901
- Tender document for file no. PRL/PURCHASE/2018E0082101
- Tender document for file no. PRL/PURCHASE/2018E0082501
- TENDER TERMS : PRL/PT-04/18-19 DATED: 24.07.2018
- COMPLIANCE SHEET : PRL/PT-04/18-19 DATED: 24.07.2018
- NIT No. PRL/CMG/E-tender-12/2018-19 dated 11.07.2018 Miscellaneous urgent civil maintenance works like repairs, renovation and rectification at PRL main campus, Ahmedabad
- NIT No. PRL/CMG/E-tender-07/2018-19 dated 02.07.2018 Annual rate contract for Aluminium partition work in PRL main campus at Navrangpura and Thaltej campus at Ahmedabad
- NIT No. PRL/CMG/E-tender-08/2018-19 dated 02.07.2018 Refurbishing of old ION Probe lab for setting up of new MC-ICPMS instrument at PRL main campus, Navrangpura, Ahmedabad – Civil works
- NIT No. PRL/CMG/E-tender-09/2018-19 dated 02.07.2018 Miscellaneous civil works for setting up of Creche facility in quarter No.D-11 at PRL staff quarter premises near IIM, Navrangpura, Ahmedabad
- NIT No. PRL/CMG/E-tender-10/2018-19 dated 02.07.2018 Bi-annual maintenance contract for preventive maintenance of geysers at various PRL premises, Ahmedabad
- NIT No. PRL/CMG/E-tender-11/2018-19 dated 02.07.2018 Supply and laying power cables for setting up Data Center/Disaster Recovery site in Computer centre at PRL Thaltej Campus, Ahmedabad.
- NIT No. PRL/CMG/E-Tender-04/2018-19 dated 25.04.2018 (Re-invited) Annual Maintenance Contract of fire alarm and smoke detection system installed at NanoSIMS, Multistoried building, Computer centre, Library, KRR auditorium at PRL main campus, Ahmedaba
- CORRIGENDUM - DATED 21.06.2018 for E-Procurement Tender Notification No.PRL/PURCHASE/GT-01/18-19 Dated 14.05.2018
- NIT No: - PRL/ADMGN/Catering/2018-19/03 dated 15/05/2018, Service Contract for providing Catering Services and upkeep of Canteen premises at Thaltej Campuse, Guest House and Students Hostel Canteen at Navrangpura, PRL Ahmedabad.(ENGLISH)
- NIT No: - PRL/ADMGN/Catering/2018-19/03 dated 15/05/2018, Service Contract for providing Catering Services and upkeep of Canteen premises at Thaltej Campuse, Guest House and Students Hostel Canteen at Navrangpura, PRL Ahmedabad.(HINDI)
- E-Procurement Tender Notification No.PRL/PURCHASE/GT-01/18-19 Dated 14-05-2018
- PRL/PURCHASE/2018E0078901
- PRL/PURCHASE/2018E0078801
- PRL/PURCHASE/2018E0073001
- PRL/PURCHASE/2018E0074301
- PRL/PURCHASE/2018E0075201
- PRL/PURCHASE/2018E0073301
- PRL/PURCHASE/2018E0075001
- PRL/PURCHASE/2018E0075501
- PRL/PURCHASE/2018E0075301
- PRL/PURCHASE/2018E0071202
- PRL/PURCHASE/2018E0076201
- PRL/PURCHASE/2018E0075701
- PRL/PURCHASE/2018E0074901
- PRL/PURCHASE/2014E0037701
- PRL/PURCHASE/2018E0075401
- PRL/PURCHASE/2018E0078401
- PRL/PURCHASE/2018E0074601
- PRL/PURCHASE/2018E0075101
- PRL/PURCHASE/2017E0067802
- PRL/PURCHASE/2018E0073701
- PRL/PURCHASE/2018E0076301
- PRL/PURCHASE/2018E0076101
- PRL/PURCHASE/2018E0078501
- PRL/PURCHASE/2018E0079001
- Rate contract for providing operating services for 150 TR Voltas make Air cooled, chilled water air conditioning central plant and all ACs installed in PRL, Thaltej Campus
- Annual Maintenance Contract of fire alarm and smoke detection system installed at NanoSIMS, Multistoried building, Computer centre, Library, KRR auditorium at PRL main campus, Ahmedabad
- General minor electrical work for Laboratory at PRL main campus, Ahmedabad.
- Service Contract for Two Years for providing housekeeping, horticulture, Boatman/Labour, electrician and Supervisory services at various campuses of Udaipur Solar Observatory (USO) /PRL, Udaipur, Rajasthan (Two Bid System)
- Service Contract for Two Years for providing housekeeping, horticulture, Boatman/Labour, electrician and Supervisory services at various campuses of Udaipur Solar Observatory (USO) /PRL, Udaipur, Rajasthan (Two Bid System)
- Service Contract for Two Years for providing Catering Services at USO-PRL, Udaipur, Rajasthan (Two Bid System)
- Service Contract for Two Years for providing Catering Services at USO-PRL, Udaipur, Rajasthan (Two Bid System)
- Electrical works for lift (power supply, light points, earthing) at PRL Campus, IR Observatory, Gurushikar, Mount Abu, Rajasthan.
- Miscellaneous Electrical maintenance works at all PRL campuses, Ahmedabad
- Bi-annual maintenance contract of Fire alarm and Smoke detection system installed at new laboratory building, PRL Thaltej campus, Ahmedabad
- Providing water proofing to terrace of buildings in various PRL campuses, Ahmedabad.
- Service Contract for two years for providing Security Service Units in PRL Residences at Navrangpura and Vikramnagar - PRL, Ahmedabad
- Annual Rate Contract for providing (i) Catering and Guest House Supervision (ii) Housekeeping and Horticulture for various campuses of IRO-PRL, Mt. Abu, Rajasthan.
- Annual rate contract for civil maintenance works at PRL Main Campus & Staff quarters/Guest House premises near IIM, Ahmedabad.
- Providing Air cooler at PRL main campus and in CISF barracks at Thaltej campus
- E-Procurement Tender Notification No.PRL/PURCHASE/GT-04/17-18 Dated 13-02-2018
- Tender document for file no. PRL/PURCHASE/2017E0066502 PRL/PURCHASE/2017E0066502
- Tender document for file no. PRL/PURCHASE/2018E0070101 PRL/PURCHASE/2018E0070101
- Tender document for file no.PRL/PURCHASE/2018E0071001 PRL/PURCHASE/2018E0071001
- Tender document for file no. PRL/PURCHASE/2018E0071201
- Tender document for file no. PRL/PURCHASE/2018E0071701
- Tender document for file no. PRL/PURCHASE/2018E0071101
- Tender document for file no. PRL/PURCHASE/2018E0071501
- Tender document for file no. PRL/PURCHASE/2017E0065602
- Tender document for file no. PRL/PURCHASE/2018E0070201
- Tender document for file no. PRL/PURCHASE/2018E0070501
- Tender document for file no. PRL/PURCHASE/2018E0071901
- Tender Terms for imported items in PDF format
- Internal and external painting to various PRL buildings at Ahmedabad.
- Annual rate contract for providing of Pandal/Shamiyana facility including table counters, carpets, side wall and other items as required for various functions at PRL premises
- Annual rate contract for providing of Pandal/Shamiyana facility including table counters, carpets, side wall and other items as required for various functions at PRL premises
- Annual rate contract for passenger transportation services at Ahmedabad
- Annual rate contract for Security Guard Services at Mount Abu
- Annual rate contract for passenger transportation services at Mount Abu
- Annual Rate Contract for providing Housekeeping Services at PRL Main Campus, Thaltej Campus, Guest House near IIM, Vikram Nagar Housing Colony, Ahmedabad.
- Revamping of Four wheeler parking shade to accommodate new BACS system at PRL Main Campus, Navrangpura, Ahmedabad
- E-Procurement Tender Notification No.PRL/PURCHASE/GT-03/17-18
- E-Procurement File No. PRL/PURCHASE/2017E0067801
- E-Procurement File No. PRL/PURCHASE/2017E0067901
- Miscellaneous Civil works at Hill View Bungalow, PRL, Mt. Abu, Rajasthan – Construction of stone masonry wall, barbed wire fencing & misc. Civil Works
- Providing two wheeler covered parking shade for students near student Hostel at staff quarters premises near IIM, Navrangpura, Ahmedabad.
- Providing APP membrane water proofing and miscellaneous repair to roof of Hill View Bungalow at Gora Chapra, Mt. Abu, Rajasthan.
- Providing and fixing safety door to C, D & E Type quarters at PRL Vikram Nagar housing colony, Ahmedabad.
- Dismantling and reconstruction of compound wall and other Miscellaneous civil works at PRL Guest House near IIM, Vastrapur, Ahmedabad.
- Annual rate contract for civil maintenance works at PRL Main Campus & Staff quarters/Guest House premises near IIM, Ahmedabad.
- Dismantling and reconstruction of compound wall of PRL Bungalow at staff quarters premises near IIM, Vastrapur, Ahmedabad
- Maintenance of HT & LT substation equipments at PRL Main Campus & Thaltej Campus, Ahmedabad. (Electrical work
- Electrical works of proposed New EPMA Laboratory at PRL Thaltej Campus, Ahmedabad.
- Supply & Installation of outdoor type Electrical panels, earthing, cabling etc. at PRL Main Campus, Ahmedabad. (Electrical work)
- Bi-annual maintenance contract for fire extinguishers of various campuses of PRL at Ahmedabad, Udaipur and Mount Abu.
- INVITATION FOR BIDS - AMENDMENT DATED 11.10.2017, E-Procurement Tender Notification No.PRL/PURCHASE/GT-02/17-18 Dated 14.09.2017
- NIT No. PRL/CMD/E-Tender-30/2017-18 dated 26.09.2017 Miscellaneous Civil works at Hill View Bungalow, PRL, Mt. Abu, Rajasthan – Construction of stone masonry wall, barbed wire fencing & misc. Civil Works
- NIT No. PRL/CMD/E-Tender-31/2017-18 dated 26.09.2017 Electrical works for lift (power supply, light points, earthing) at PRL Campus, IR Observatory, Gurushikar, Mount Abu, Rajasthan
- E-Procurement Tender Notification No.PRL/PURCHASE/GT-02/17-18 Dated 14-09-2017
- Tender document for PRL/PURCHASE/2017E0060601
- Tender document for PRL/PURCHASE/2017E0058701
- Tender document for PRL/PURCHASE/2017E0065601
- Tender document for PRL/PURCHASE/2017E0061301
- Tender document for PRL/PURCHASE/2017E0063801
- Tender document for PRL/PURCHASE/2017E0063401
- Tender document for PRL/PURCHASE/2017E0066001
- Tender document for PRL/PURCHASE/2017E0060901
- Tender document for PRL/PURCHASE/2017E0066501
- Tender document for PRL/PURCHASE/2017E0063101
- Tender document for PRL/PURCHASE/2017E0063501
- Tender document for PRL/PURCHASE/2017E0066201
- Tender document for PRL/PURCHASE/2017E0066601
- Tender document for PRL/PURCHASE/2017E0061701
- Tender Terms in PDF format
- Revised specifications for 2017E0065601
- Specifications for 2017E0061701