VOICE -2019
Objective: The year 2019-2020 marks the birth
centenary year of Dr. Vikram A. Sarabhai, the father of the Indian
space programme. On account of this, Physical Research Laboratory, Ahmedabad planned to conduct a Pan India
level essay competition. The school students from class 8 to 12 in two
categories, e.g. 8 - 10 (Category I) and 11 – 12 standard (Category
II), can participate in this competition. The essay may contain
motivation, goals, and uniqueness of the concept among other relevant
things. We will invite 30 shortlisted students from each age groups
for presentation and visit PRL.
Categories: Category I: 8 - 10 standard students and Category II: 11 - 12 standard students.
Category I: 8 - 10 standard students.
Topic: Home at a distant planet
Description: Say one day you have to move out of our planet Earth and
settle on a different planet. Which planet you would choose? Then based
on planet specific parameters (e.g., atmospheric conditions, solar
Insolation, crustal properties etc.), how you will design your home?
Design should be sustainable, i.e., no external entity will provide
any assistance to maintain your home. You must also provide the
address of your home.
Note: Sustainability of the home in the new planet will be the primary
criteria for the evaluation.
Category II: 11-12 standard students.
Topic: Design innovative experiments for space station
Description: imagine one day you are given an opportunity to design innovative experiments for the Indian space station. Design a suit of experiments (maximum two) to address a particular theme. Please mention why you choose the theme and how your experiments can provide a better understanding.
Word limit: 3000 words. It should contain the following (without which essay will be disqualified)
(1) Summary – 300 words.
(2) Major concepts in three bullets not exceeding 75 words
(3) Conclusion of the essay should be no more than 200 words
Format of the Essay
Last date of submission:15th May 2019
Date of notification: 15th July 2019
Presentation: 11th August 2019
Prize distribution: 12th August 2019
Contact Email: [email protected]
Evaluation process:
Shortlisted candidates will be provided with 3 tier fare by railways in shortest route to Ahmedabad. Boarding and lodging will be arranged by PRL during the authorised period of stay.
No of shortlisted candidate: 30 per age group.
Total number of prizes: First, second, third, and 5 additional prizes in each age group.