SWIS Specifications

    Table 1: Overall instrument specification for SWIS
    Sr. No. Parameter Specification
  1. Sensor units (Top hat analyzers, THA) Two (THA-1: FOV in the ecliptic plane and with MMA, THA-2: FOV in the plane perpendicular to ecliptic without MMA)
  2. Energy range 100 eV to 20 keV
  3. Energy Resolution 10% for both THA-1 and THA-2
  4. Instrumental factor 18 for both THA-1 and THA-2
  5. FOV 2π for both the sensors in the azimuth and 3 degree in elevation
  6. Detector 80 mm Chevron MCP with position sensitive anode (RAE) for both sensors
  7. Magnets 16 m-Co magnets in THA-1.

    STEPS Specifications

    Table 2: Overall instrument specification for STEPS
    Sr.No. Parameter Specification
  1. Energy range 20 keV/n – 5 MeV/n
  2. Total detector units Six
    3 units for species separated spectra
    3 units for integrated species spectra
  3. No. of detectors 3 detectors for species separated spectra
    1 detector for species integrated spectra
  4. Detector type Dual window Si-PIN detector
    Single window Si-PIN detector
    BC408 Scintillator
    Silicon Photomultiplier (SiPM)
  5. Integration time 1 second nominal
  6. Data rate 11 kB/s (1s integration), ~1GB per Earth day
  7. Magnetic leakage 100 nT at a distance of ~700 mm from STEPS (side walls)
  8. Field of view SR (sun-radial) Unit: FoV: ±10.5∘, GF: 0.04
    PS (Parker spiral) Unit: FoV: ±15∘, GF: 0.08
    IM (intermediate between SR and PS) Unit: FoV: ±7.5∘, GF: 0.02
    NP (North-pointing) Unit: FoV: ±14∘, GF: 0.09
    EP (Earth-pointing) Unit: FoV: ±8.5∘, GF: 0.12
    SP (South-pointing) Unit: FoV: ±14∘, GF: 0.09
  9. Quantization 8 bits
    7 bits (20 keV to 2 MeV)
    7 bits (2 MeV to 20 MeV)
  10. Spectral measurement rate Full spectrum every second
  11. Energy threshold Commandable through FPGA
  12. No. of packages 4; STEPS-1, STEPS-2A, STEPS-2B, ASPEX-PE