Respond Programme

RESPOND Programme for Space Sciences, sponsored by ISRO, is being administered by PRL since 1976. The Programme provides unique opportunity to scientists in Universities and other academic institutions to pursue research projects in Astronomy, Astrophysics, Solar Physics, Earth's Middle Atmosphere, and Ionosphere. A total of 82 Space Science projects have been supported by ISRO, of which 44 were carried out at the Universities, and 38 at research institutions. Application for RESPOND can be sumitted throughout the year. Each proposal must have a Principal Investigator from the institution forwarding the application. There may also be co-investigator(s) from collaborating institutions working on the project. Satisfactory completion of the project is responsibility of the Principal Investigator and his/her institution. Each proposal should provide information such as :

  1. Bio-data of all the investigators (with age of each investigator).
  2. Brief description of the proposed research, specially its objectives and scientific merits.
  3. Description of the approach or techniques to be employed for the proposed investigation.
  4. Financial support needed.
  5. A list of projects related to the proposed research to be undertaken or carried out through funding by other agencies.

Contact :
RESPOND Programmes for Space Sciences, PRL.
Email: respond[At]prl[Dot]res[Dot]in