ISAMP Newsletter
ISAMP publishes a bimonthly newsletter of its activities. Articles are accepted
from members and non-members on any topic of current interest in atomic,
molecular and optical physics. These could be on concepts, theory,
computational aspects, experiments or instrumentation. Here is the the
current issue (21-08-08) of the Newsletter.
Contributions are Welcome! Please read these guidelines, and send your contributions to the ISAMP Office
Newsletter Archive
Volume 1 (2005-2006) |
Volume 2 (2006-2007) |
Volume 3 (2007-2008) |
Volume 4 (2008-2009) |
Guidelines for Contributors
- Articles should be at an average physicist's level, not for the
topical specialist. They should be written in an easily-understood
- Articles should not focus on activities in your group alone. They
should give pointers to what is happening in the field all over the world.
The newsletter is not a journal, its purpose is to keep the society members
informed of what is happening in various areas of atomic, molecular, optical
- Manuscripts should be set in 12 point fonts. You may use TeX/LaTeX and other word processors. If you use Word, WordPerfect, Lotus or any other Windows or Unix word processor, please send
the file in rich-text format (save file as .RTF) to ensure portability. Please
avoid fonts other than Arial, Times Roman, Helvetica and the native TeX fonts.
- Figures should not be embedded and should be sent separately
as zipped EPS, TIF for line drawings and JPG for photographs. Please do not send GIF or BMP files,
because of troublesome resolution/filesize issues. Please avoid complicated
article formats and figures!