Luminescence is the phenomenon exhibited by the defects present in the crystal. Luminescence laboratory of PRL is specialized in characterization of luminescence properties of defects in natural and artificial phosphors. We work on procedures for estimation of trap depth, thermal stability, lifetime, stimulation and detection spectral characteristics, quantum tunnelling issues, luminescence quenching, sensitivity enhancement and sensitivity changes. We have worked on natural phosphors as quartz and feldspar and artificial phosphors as Al2O3, ZrO2, Zinc Bismuth Borate glasses, Diamonds and tried to identify the changes in quantum energy levels due to introduction of controlled defects and modification in the spectral characteristics of the defects due to these changes. Further we will be focussing on the tunablity of spectral characteristics of defects. We would like to prepare phosphors for up-conversion and down-conversion of wavelength. The phenomenon can be very useful in increasing the efficiency of solar cells by converting the unused part of solar spectrum (viz, Ultraviolet and Infrared) to usable visible part. This will be useful in developing efficient solar cells for the future space mission programs. We will also take up task of understanding the issue of quantum tunnelling in phosphors and radiation dosimeters. The tunnelling of trapped electron and holes results in athermal loss of signal resulting in unpredictable low response in phosphors than expected. The understanding of the cause and mechanism can help us eliminate the introduced errors and the correct the measurements. Quantum sensing using Nitrogen-vacancy defects in diamonds and Silicon vacancy in SiC are some of the promising areas where we intend to work.

Group Leader

Dr. Naveen Chauhan

Group members

Monika Devi

Ph. D. Student

Rahul Kumar Kaushal

Post-Doctoral Fellow

Sukumar Parida

Post-Doctoral Fellow

Vinayak Kumar
