S. Ramachandran

Senior Professor
Space and Atmospheric Sciences
E-mail: [email protected]
Telephone: +91-79-26314664

Research Interests

  • Atmospheric Aerosols
  • Characteristics, Radiative Forcing and Climate Impact
  • Air Pollution-Climate Interactions
  • Aerosol-Cloud Interactions

Academic Qualifications

  • 1990-1995 Ph.D. (Physics), Physical Research Laboratory, Ahmedabad
  • 1988-1990 M.Sc. (Physics), Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda, Vadodara
  • 1985-1988 B.Sc. (Physics - Special), The American College, Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai

Professional Experience

  • Jul 2019-present Senior Professor, PRL, Ahmedabad, India
  • Jul 2013-Jun 2019 Professor, PRL, Ahmedabad, India
  • Jan 2008-Jun 2013 Associate Professor, PRL, Ahmedabad, India
  • Jan 2004-Dec 2007 Reader, PRL, Ahmedabad, India
  • Feb 2000-Dec 2003 Scientist SD, PRL, Ahmedabad, India
  • Aug 1999-Feb 2000 Post Doctoral Associate, Rutgers University, New Jersey, USA
  • Jun 1997-Jul 1999 Visiting Research Staff Member, Princeton University, GFDL, Princeton, New Jersey, USA

Ph.D. Students

  • Mr. Kamran Ansari (Ongoing, began in Aug 2021)
  • Mr. Kanagaraj Rajagopal, Delhi Technological University (Co-Superivisor, Ongoing, began in Feb 2021)
  • Dr. Rajesh T.A. (Oct 2013-Sep 2018), Physical Research Laboratory, Ahmedabad
  • Dr. Rohit Srivastava (Sep 2007-Sep 2011), National Centre for Polar and Ocean Research, Goa
  • Dr. Sumita Kedia (Jul 2006-Jul 2010), Centre for Development of Advanced Computing, Pune

Post Doctoral Fellows

  • Dr. Lima C. Balan (Nov 2021-Nov 2022), Space Physics Laboratory, Trivandrum
  • Dr. B. Sarangi (Apr 2017-Feb 2019), Research Assistant Professor, University of Puerto Rico - Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico, USA
  • Dr. S. Tiwari (Oct 2016-Apr 2017), National Institute of Oceanography, Goa
  • Dr. A.S. Pipal (Jul 2016-Sep 2017), Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology, Pune
  • Dr. Ramya Sunder Raman (May 2008-May 2009), Indian Institute of Science and Education Research, Bhopal


  • Chairman, Need Aspect Review Committee (since June 2020)
  • Chairperson, Space and Atmospheric Sciences Division (Apr 2015-Jan 2019)
  • Chairperson, Academic Committee (Dec 2014-Jan 2019)
  • Chairperson, Postdoctoral Fellowship Committee (Jul 2016-Jul 2017)

Sabbatical and Temporary Positions

  • Jan 2019-Dec 2019 Senior Fellow, Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies, Potsdam, Germany
  • Sep 2011-Sep 2012 Senior Fellow, NASA Postdoctoral Program, NASA Ames Research Center, California, USA
  • Jun 2008-Nov 2008 Senior Fellow, NASA Postdoctoral Program, NASA Ames Research Center, California, USA
  • Oct 2004-Mar 2005 Visiting Research Staff Member, Princeton University, GFDL, Princeton, New Jersey, USA
  • Mar 2003-Apr 2003 Visiting Research Scientist, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UCSD, California, USA
  • Jun 2002-Sep 2002 Visiting Research Staff Member, Princeton University, GFDL, Princeton, New Jersey, USA


  • Affiliate Scholar, Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies, Potsdam, Germany
  • NASA Group Achievement Award (2009)
  • global change SysTem for Analysis, Research and Training (START) Visiting Scientist Award (2004)
  • global change SysTem for Analysis, Research and Training (START) Young Scientist Award (2002)
  • Indian National Science Academy (INSA) Medal for Young Scientists (1997)

Professional Recognitions

  • Associate Editor, Frontiers in Environmental Science
  • “World's Top 2% Scientists”, Stanford University
  • Outstanding Contribution in Reviewing for Atmospheric Environment, Elsevier (2018)
  • Outstanding Contribution in Reviewing for Atmospheric Research, Elsevier (2018)
  • Outstanding Contribution in Reviewing for Quaternary International, Elsevier (2017)
  • Outstanding Contribution in Reviewing for JASTP, Elsevier (2015)
  • Co-author - Scientific Assessment of Ozone Depletion (2010)
  • Lead Author - Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Fourth Assessment Report (2007)
  • Reviewer - Scientific Assessment of Ozone Depletion (2002, 2006)
  • Member - International Radiation Commission (2001-04, 2005-08)
  • Member, Editorial Board, The Scientific World Journal (2014-16)
  • Member, Editorial Board, Journal of Environmental Engineering and Science (2015-17)

Recent Publications

    10. Influence of changes in anthropogenic and natural sources on global aerosol optical depth during COVID-19 lockdown: Ground-based observations, satellites, models
    S. Ramachandran and Kamran Ansari
    Atmospheric Environment, 343, 120948, 2025
    9. Aerosols heat up the Himalayan climate
    S. Ramachandran, Maheswar Rupakheti, R. Cherian and Mark G. Lawrence
    Science of the Total Environment, 894, 164733, 2023
    8. Trends in physical, optical and chemical columnar aerosol characteristics and radiative effects over South and East Asia: Satellite and ground-based observations
    S. Ramachandran and Maheswar Rupakheti
    Gondwana Research, 105, 366-387, 2022
    7. Trends in the types and absorption characteristics of ambient aerosols over the Indo-Gangetic Plain and North China Plain in last two decades
    S. Ramachandran and Maheswar Rupakheti
    Science of the Total Environment, 831, 154867, 2022
    6. Insights into recent aerosol trends over Asia from observations and CMIP6 simulations
    S. Ramachandran, Maheswar Rupakheti and R. Cherian
    Science of the Total Environment, 807, 150756, 2022
    5. Black carbon aerosols over source vs. background region: Atmospheric boundary layer influence, potential source regions, and model comparison
    S. Ramachandran, T.A. Rajesh and R. Cherian
    Atmospheric Research, 256, 105573, 2021
    4. Inter-annual and seasonal variations in optical and physical characteristics of columnar aerosols over the Pokhara Valley in the Himalayan foothills
    S. Ramachandran and Maheswar Rupakheti
    Atmospheric Research, 248, 105254, 2021
    3. Aerosol-induced atmospheric heating rate decreases over South and East Asia as a result of changing content and composition
    S. Ramachandran, Maheswar Rupakheti and Mark G. Lawrence
    Scientific Reports, 10, 20091, 2020
    2. Black carbon dominates the aerosol absorption over the Indo-Gangetic Plains and the Himalayan foothills
    S. Ramachandran, Maheswar Rupakheti and Mark G. Lawrence
    Environment International, 142, 105814, 2020
    1. Atmospheric-Aerosols-Characteristics-and-Radiative-Effects
    S. Ramachandran
    CRC Press, Taylor and Francis Group, USA, 294 pages, 2018
  • 126. Traffic-induced nanoparticle emissions and associated respiratory risk analysis using measurements conducted in a roadside environment
    K. Rajagopal, S. Ramachandran and R.K. Mishra
    Air Quality, Atmosphere & Health (in press), 2025
  • 125. Influence of changes in anthropogenic and natural sources on global aerosol optical depth during COVID-19 lockdown: Ground-based observations, satellites, models
    S. Ramachandran and Kamran Ansari
    Atmospheric Environment, 343, 120948, 2025
  • 124. Global insights on absorption characteristics of aerosols
    Kamran Ansari and S. Ramachandran
    Science of the Total Environment, 959, 178178, 2025
  • 123. Influence of local meteorology and gaseous pollutant emissions on atmospheric nanoparticle concentrations in a pedestrian way in urban region
    K. Rajagopal, S. Ramachandran and R.K. Mishra
    Atmospheric Pollution Research, 16, 102358, 2025
  • 122. Seasonal variation of particle number concentration in a busy urban street with exposure assessment and deposition in human respiratory tract
    K. Rajagopal, S. Ramachandran and R.K. Mishra
    Chemosphere, 366, 143470, 2024
  • 121. Size resolved particle contribution to vehicle induced ultrafine particle number concentration in a metropolitan curbside region
    K. Rajagopal, S. Ramachandran and R.K. Mishra
    Atmospheric Environment, 337, 120773, 2024
  • 120. Global changes in aerosol single scattering albedo during COVID-19
    Kamran Ansari and S. Ramachandran
    Atmospheric Environment, 333, 120649, 2024
  • 119. Atmospheric black carbon aerosol: Long-term characteristics, source apportionment, and trends
    T.A. Rajesh and S. Ramachandran
    Science of the Total Environment, 934, 172928, 2024
  • 118. Optical and physical characteristics of aerosols over Asia: AERONET, MERRA-2 and CAMS
    Kamran Ansari and S. Ramachandran
    Atmospheric Environment, 326, 120470, 2024
  • 117. Aerosols heat up the Himalayan climate
    S. Ramachandran, Maheswar Rupakheti, R. Cherian and Mark G. Lawrence
    Science of the Total Environment, 894, 164733, 2023
  • 116. Roadside measurements of nanoparticles and their dynamics in relation to traffic sources in Delhi: Impact of restrictions and pollution events
    K. Rajagopal, S. Ramachandran and R.K. Mishra
    Urban Climate, 51, 101625, 2023
  • 115. Radiative effects of absorbing aerosol types over South Asia
    Kamran Ansari and S. Ramachandran
    Science of the Total Environment, 858, 159969, 2023
  • 114. Aerosol characteristics over Indo-Gangetic Plain from Ground-based AERONET and MERRA-2/CAMS model simulations
    Kamran Ansari and S. Ramachandran
    Atmospheric Environment, 293, 119434, 2023
  • 113. Towards an improved representation of carbonaceous aerosols over the Indian monsoon region in a regional climate model RegCM4.6
    S. Ghosh, S. Dey, S. Das, N. Riemer, G. Giuliani, D. Ganguly, C. Venkataraman, F. Giorgi, S.N. Tripathi, S. Ramachandran, T.A. Rajesh, H. Gadhavi and A.K. Srivastava
    Geoscientific Model Development, 16, 1-15, 2023
  • 112. Analysis of surface level PM2.5 measured by low-cost sensor and satellite-based column aerosol optical depth (AOD) over Kathmandu
    J. Regmi, K. N. Poudyal, A. Pokhrel, N. Malakar, M. Gyawali, L. Tripathee, M. Rai, S. Ramachandran, K. Wilson and R. Aryal
    Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 23, 220311, 2023
  • 111. Black carbon flux in terrestrial and aquatic environments of Kodaikanal in Western Ghats, South India: Estimation, source identification, and implication
    V. Karthik, B. Vijay Bhaskar, S. Ramachandran and Prashant Kumar
    Science of the Total Environment, 854, 158647, 2023
  • 110. Quantification of organic carbon and black carbon emissions, distribution, and carbon variation in diverse vegetative ecosystems across India
    V. Karthik, B. Vijay Bhaskar, S. Ramachandran and A.W. Gertler
    Environmental Pollution, 309, 119790, 2022
  • 109. BBM92 quantum key distribution over a free space dusty channel of 200 meters
    S. Mishra, A. Biswas, S. Patil, P. Chandravanshi, V. Mongia, T. Sharma, A. Rani, S. Prabhakar, S. Ramachandran and R. P. Singh
    Journal of Optics, 24, 074002, 2022
  • 108. Trends in the types and absorption characteristics of ambient aerosols over the Indo-Gangetic Plain and North China Plain in last two decades
    S. Ramachandran and Maheswar Rupakheti
    Science of the Total Environment, 831, 154867, 2022
  • 107. Trends in physical, optical and chemical columnar aerosol characteristics and radiative effects over South and East Asia: Satellite and ground-based observations
    S. Ramachandran and Maheswar Rupakheti
    Gondwana Research, 105, 366-387, 2022
  • 106. Assessment of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic imposed lockdown and unlock effects on black carbon aerosol, its source apportionment, and aerosol radiative forcing over an urban city in India
    T.A. Rajesh and S. Ramachandran
    Atmospheric Research, 267, 105924, 2022
  • 105. Climate benefits of cleaner energy transitions in East and South Asia through black carbon reduction
    S. Ramachandran, Maheswar Rupakheti, R. Cherian and Mark G. Lawrence
    Frontiers in Environmental Science, 10, 842319, 2022
  • 104. Insights into recent aerosol trends over Asia from observations and CMIP6 simulations
    S. Ramachandran, Maheswar Rupakheti and R. Cherian
    Science of the Total Environment, 807, 150756, 2022
  • 103. Biomass burning and impacts on aerosols: Optical properties and radiative effects
    S. Ramachandran and Priyadarshini B.
    Biomass Burning in South and Southeast Asia
    K.P. Vadrevu, T. Ohara, and C. Justice eds., CRC Press, Taylor and Francis Group, USA, Chapter 12, 193-207, 2021
  • 102. Black carbon aerosols: Relative source strengths of vehicular emissions and residential/open wood burning over an urban and a semi-urban environment
    T.A. Rajesh, S. Ramachandran and V.K. Dhaker
    Atmospheric Pollution Research, 12, 101060, 2021
  • 101. Black carbon aerosols over source vs. background region: Atmospheric boundary layer influence, potential source regions, and model comparison
    S. Ramachandran, T.A. Rajesh and R. Cherian
    Atmospheric Research, 256, 105573, 2021
  • 100. Inter-annual and seasonal variations in optical and physical characteristics of columnar aerosols over the Pokhara Valley in the Himalayan foothills
    S. Ramachandran and Maheswar Rupakheti
    Atmospheric Research, 248, 105254, 2021
  • 99. Aerosol-induced atmospheric heating rate decreases over South and East Asia as a result of changing content and composition
    S. Ramachandran, Maheswar Rupakheti and Mark G. Lawrence
    Scientific Reports, 10, 20091, 2020
  • 98. Year-round aerosol characteristics and radiative effects in the South Asian pollution outflow over a background site in the Maldives
    S. Ramachandran and Maheswar Rupakheti
    Atmospheric Environment, 240, 117813, 2020
  • 97. Black carbon dominates the aerosol absorption over the Indo-Gangetic Plains and the Himalayan foothills
    S. Ramachandran, Maheswar Rupakheti and Mark G. Lawrence
    Environment International, 142, 105814, 2020
  • 96. Inter-annual and seasonal variations in columnar aerosol characteristics and radiative effects over the Pokhara Valley in the Himalayan foothills – Composition, radiative forcing, and atmospheric heating
    S. Ramachandran and M. Rupakheti
    Environmental Pollution, 264, 114799, 2020
  • 95. Extensive and intensive properties of aerosol over distinct environments: Influence of anthropogenic emissions and meteorology
    T.A. Rajesh and S. Ramachandran
    Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 202, 105223, 2020
  • 94. Characteristics of black carbon aerosol mixing state over an urban region deduced using Single Particle Soot Photometer (SP2) and Differential Mobility Analyzer (DMA)
    B. Sarangi, S. Ramachandran, T.A. Rajesh and V.K. Dhaker
    Atmospheric Pollution Research, 11, 574-582, 2020
  • 93. Spatial, seasonal, and altitudinal heterogeneity in single scattering albedo of aerosols over an urban and a remote site: Radiative implications
    T.A. Rajesh and S. Ramachandran
    Atmospheric Environment, 218, 116954, 2019
  • 92. Aerosol optical properties over Gurushikhar, Mt. Abu: A high altitude mountain site in India
    T.A. Rajesh and S. Ramachandran
    Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 19, 1259-1271, 2019
  • 91. Influence of relative humidity, mixed-layer height, and mesoscale vertical-velocity variations on column and surface aerosol characteristics over an urban region
    S. Ramachandran, T.A. Rajesh and Sumita Kedia
    Boundary Layer Meteorology, 170, 161-181, 2019
  • 90. Black carbon linked aerosol hygroscopic growth: Size and mixing state are crucial
    B. Sarangi, S. Ramachandran, T.A. Rajesh and V.K. Dhaker
    Atmospheric Environment, 200, 110-118, 2019
  • 89. Black carbon aerosols over urban and high altitude remote regions: Characteristics and Radiative implications
    T.A. Rajesh and S. Ramachandran
    Atmospheric Environment, 194, 110-122, 2018
  • 88. Spatial, temporal and source study of black carbon in the atmospheric aerosols over different altitude regions in Southern India
    B. Vijay Bhaskar, R.M. Rajesh Kumar, K. Muthuchelian and S. Ramachandran
    Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 179, 416-424, 2018
  • 87. Atmospheric Aerosols: Characteristics and Radiative Effects
    S. Ramachandran
    CRC Press, Taylor and Francis Group, USA, 294 pages, 2018
  • 86. Aerosols and Climate Change: Present Understanding, Challenges and Future Outlook
    S. Ramachandran
    Land-Atmospheric Research Applications in South and Southeast Asia
    K.P. Vadrevu, T. Ohara, and C. Justice eds., Springer, Chapter 17, 341-378, 2018
  • 85. Black carbon aerosol mass concentration, absorption and single scattering albedo from single and dual spot aethalometers: Radiative implications
    T.A. Rajesh and S. Ramachandran
    Journal of Aerosol Science, 119, 77-90, 2018
  • 84. Global and regional evaluation of a global model simulated AODs with AERONET and MODIS observations
    V. Sheel, R.P. Guleria and S. Ramachandran
    International Journal of Climatology, 38, e269-e289, 2018
  • 83. Characteristics and source apportionment of black carbon aerosols over an urban site
    T.A. Rajesh and S. Ramachandran
    Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 24, 8411-8424, 2017
  • 82. Primary surface rupture of the 1950 Tibet-Assam great earthquake along the eastern Himalayan front, India
    R.S. Priyanka, R. Jayangondaperumal, A. Pandey, R.L. Mishra, I. Singh, R. Bhushan, P. Srivastava, S. Ramachandran, C. Shah, S. Kedia, A.K. Sharma and G.R. Bhat
    Scientific Reports, 7 (5433), 2017
  • 81. Mixing states of aerosols over four environmentally distinct atmospheric regimes in Asia: Coastal, urban, and industrial locations influenced by dust
    S. Ramachandran and Rohit Srivastava
    Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 23, 11109-11128, 2016
  • 80. Aerosol mixing over urban region : Radiative effects
    Rohit Srivastava, S. Ramachandran and T.A. Rajesh
    Quarterly Journal of Royal Meteorological Society, 142, 1732-1744, 2016
  • 79. Spatiotemporal characteristics of aerosols in India: Observations and model simulations
    S. Ramachandran, Sumita Kedia and Varun Sheel
    Atmospheric Environment, 116, 225-244, 2015
  • 78. Comparison of aerosol extinction between lidar and SAGE II over Gadanki, a tropical station in India
    P. Kulkarni and S. Ramachandran
    Annales Geophysicae, 33, 351-362, 2015
  • 77. New Directions: Mineral Dust and Ozone - Heterogeneous Chemistry
    S. Ramachandran
    Atmospheric Environment, 106, 369-370, 2015
  • 76. Quantification of aerosol type, and sources of aerosols over the Indo-Gangetic Plain
    Sumita Kedia, S. Ramachandran, B.N. Holben and S.N. Tripathi
    Atmospheric Environment, 98, 607-619, 2014
  • 75. A Multi-parameter aerosol classification method and its application to retrievals from Spaceborne polarimetry
    P.B. Russell, M. Kacenelenbogen, J. M. Livingston, O.P. Hasekamp, S.P. Burton, G.L. Schuster, M. S. Johnson, K.D. Knobelspiesse, J. Redemann, S. Ramachandran and B.N. Holben
    Journal of Geophysical Research, 119, 9838-9863, doi:10.1002/2013JD021411, 2014
  • 74. Comparison of MODIS 3km and 10km resolution aerosol optical depth retrievals over land with airborne sunphotometermeasurements during ARCTAS summer 2008
    J. M. Livingston, J. Redemann, Y. Shinozuka, R. Johnson, P. B. Russell, Q. Zhang, S. Mattoo, L. Remer, R. Levy, L. Munchak and S. Ramachandran
    Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 14, 2015-2038, 2014
  • 73. Temporal variation of aerosol optical depth and associated shortwave radiative forcing over a coastal site along the west coast of India
    H. B. Menon, Shilpa Shirodkar, Sumita Kedia, S. Ramachandran, Suresh Babu and K.K. Moorthy
    Science of the Total Environment, 468-469, 83-92, 2014
  • 72. Aerosol-precipitation interactions over India: Review, and future perspectives
    S. Ramachandran and Sumita Kedia
    Advances in Meteorology, 2013, 649156 (1-20), 2013
  • 71. Aerosol optical properties over south Asia from ground-based observations and remote sensing: A review
    S. Ramachandran and Sumita Kedia
    Climate, 1, 84-119, 2013
  • 70. Comparison of MODIS 3km and 10km resolution aerosol optical depth retrievals over land with airborne sunphotometer measurements during ARCTAS summer 2008
    J. M. Livingston, J. Redemann, Y. Shinozuka, R. Johnson, P. B. Russell, Q. Zhang, S. Mattoo, L. Remer, R. Levy, L. Munchak and S. Ramachandran
    Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions, 13, 15007-15059, 2013
  • 69. Retrieval of cirrus properties by sun photometry: A new perspective on an old issue
    M. Segal-Rosenheimer, P.B. Russell, J.M. Livingston, S. Ramachandran, J. Redemann and B.A. Baum
    Journal of Geophysical Research, 118, 4503-4520, doi:10.1002/jgrd.50185, 2013
  • 68. GCM simulations of anthropogenic aerosol-induced changes in aerosol extinction, atmospheric heating and precipitation over India
    R. Cherian, C. Venkataraman, J. Quaas and S. Ramachandran
    Journal of Geophysical Research, 118, 2938-2955, doi:10.1002/jgrd.50298, 2013
  • 67. Aerosols and Climate Change
    S. Ramachandran
    Signatures, Newsletter of ISRS, 25 (1), 80-85, 2013
  • 66. Influences of external vs. core-shell mixing on aerosol optical properties at various relative humidities
    S. Ramachandran and R. Srivastava
    Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts, 15, 1070-1077, 2013
  • 65. Multiscale periodicities in aerosol optical depth over India
    S. Ramachandran, S. Ghosh, A. Verma and P.K. Panigrahi
    Environmental Research Letters, 8, 014034, 2013
  • 64. Aerosol, clouds and rainfall: inter-annual and regional variations over India
    S. Ramachandran and Sumita Kedia
    Climate Dynamics, 40, 1591-1610, 2013
  • 63. Airborne black carbon concentrations over an urban region in western India - temporal variability, effects of meteorology, and source regions
    M. Bapna, R. Sunder Raman, S. Ramachandran and T.A. Rajesh
    Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 20, 1617-1631, 2013
  • 62. The mixing state of aerosols over the Indo-Gangetic Plain and its impact on radiative forcing
    R. Srivastava and S. Ramachandran
    Quarterly Journal of Royal Meteorological Society, 39, 137-151, 2013
  • 61. Contribution of natural and anthropogenic aerosols to optical properties and radiative effects over an urban location
    S. Ramachandran, Rohit Srivastava, Sumita Kedia and T.A. Rajesh
    Environmental Research Letters, 7, 034028, 2012
  • 60. Radiative effects of aerosols over Indo-Gangetic Plain: environmental (urban vs. rural) and seasonal variations
    S. Ramachandran and Sumita Kedia
    Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 19, 2159-2171, 2012
  • 59. Aerosol absorption over Bay of Bengal during winter: Variability and sources
    Sumita Kedia, S. Ramachandran, T.A. Rajesh and Rohit Srivastava
    Atmospheric Environment, 54, 738-745, 2012
  • 58. Aerosol optical depth trends over different regions of India
    S. Ramachandran, Sumita Kedia and Rohit Srivastava
    Atmospheric Environment, 49, 338-347, 2012
  • 57. Examination of aerosol distributions and radiative effects over the Bay of Bengal and the Arabian Sea region during ICARB using satellite data and a general circulation model
    R. Cherian, C. Venkataraman, S. Ramachandran, J. Quaas and Sumita Kedia
    Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 12, 1287-1305, 2012
    56. Stratospheric ozone and surface ultraviolet radiation
    A. Douglass, V. Fioletov, Sophie G.-Beekmann, R. Muller, R.S. Stolarski, A. Webb, A. Arola, J.B. Burkholder, J.P. Burrows, M.P. Chipperfield, R. Cordero, C. David, P.N. den Outer, S.B. Diaz, L.E. Flynn, M. Hegglin, J.R. Herman, P. Huck, I.M. Janosi, J.W. Kryscin, Y. Liu, J. Logan, Katja Matthes, R.L. McKenzie, N.J. Muthama, I. Petropavlovskikh, M. Pitts, S. Ramachandran, M. Rex, R.J. Salawitch, B.-M. Sinnhuber, J. Staehelin, S. Strahan, K. Tourpali, J. V.-Canossa and C Vigouroux
    Chapter 2 in Scientific Assessment of Ozone Depletion: 2010, Global Ozone Research and Monitoring Project-Report No.52, 516 pp., World Meteorological Organization, Geneva, Switzerland, 2011
  • 55. Aerosol radiative effects over an urban location and a remote site in western India: Seasonal variability
    S. Ramachandran and Sumita Kedia
    Atmospheric Environment, 45, 7415-7422, 2011
  • 54. Aerosol radiative forcing deduced from observations and models over an urban location and sensitivity to single scattering albedo
    Rohit Srivastava, S. Ramachandran, T.A. Rajesh and Sumita Kedia
    Atmospheric Environment, 45, 6163-6171, 2011
  • 53. Examination of aerosol distributions and radiative effects over the Bay of Bengal and the Arabian Sea region during ICARB using satellite data and a general circulation model
    R. Cherian, C. Venkataraman, S. Ramachandran, J. Quaas and Sumita Kedia
    Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions, 11, 13911-13946,
  • 52. Airborne observation of aerosol optical depth during ARCTAS: vertical profiles, inter-comparison and fine-mode fraction
    Y. Shinozuka, J. Redemann, J.M. Livingston, P.B. Russell, A.D. Clarke, S.G. Howell, S. Freitag, N.T. O'Neill, E.A. Reid, R. Johnson, S. Ramachandran, C.S. McNaughton, V.N. Kapustin, V. Brekhovskikh, B.N. Holben and L.J.B. McArthur
    Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 11, 3673-3688, 2011
  • 51. A methodology to estimate source-specific aerosol radiative forcing
    R. Sunder Raman, S. Ramachandran and Sumita Kedia
    Journal of Aerosol Science, 42, 305-320, 2011
  • 50. Seasonal variations in aerosol characteristics over an urban location and a remote site in western India
    Sumita Kedia and S. Ramachandran
    Atmospheric Environment, 45, 2120-2128, 2011
  • 49. Source apportionment of the ionic components in precipitation over an urban region in Western India
    R. Sunder Raman and S. Ramachandran
    Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 18, 212-225, 2011
  • 48. Airborne observation of aerosol optical depth during ARCTAS: vertical profiles, inter-comparison, fine-mode fraction and horizontal variability
    Y. Shinozuka, J. Redemann, J.M. Livingston, P.B. Russell, A.D. Clarke, S.G. Howell, S. Freitag, N.T. O'Neill, E.A. Reid, R. Johnson, S. Ramachandran, C.S. McNaughton,V.N. Kapustin, V. Brekhovskikh, B.N. Holben and L.J.B. McArthur
    Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions, 10, 18315-18363, 2010
  • 47. Source identification of aerosols influencing atmospheric extinction: Integrating PMF and PSCF with emission inventories and satellite observations
    R. Cherian, C. Venkataraman, A. Kumar, M.M. Sarin, A.K. Sudheer and S. Ramachandran
    Journal of Geophysical Research, 115, D22212, doi:10.1029/2009JD012975, 2010
  • 46. Source identification of ambient aerosols over an urban region in western India
    R. Sunder Raman, S. Ramachandran and N. Rastogi
    Journal of Environmental Monitoring, 12, 1330-1340, 2010
  • 45. Black carbon aerosols over an urban region: Radiative forcing and climate impact
    S. Ramachandran and Sumita Kedia
    Journal of Geophysical Research, 115, D10202, doi:10.1029/2009JD013560, 2010
  • 44. Spatiotemporal gradients in aerosol radiative forcing and heating rate over Bay of Bengal and Arabian Sea derived on the basis of optical, physical and chemical properties
    Sumita Kedia, S. Ramachandran, A. Kumar and M.M. Sarin
    Journal of Geophysical Research, 115, D07205, doi:10.1029/2009JD013136, 2010
  • 43. Annual and seasonal variability of ambient aerosols over an urban region in western India
    R. Sunder Raman, S. Ramachandran and N. Rastogi
    Atmospheric Environment, 44, 1200-1208, 2010
  • 42. Atmospheric Aerosols in Earth's atmosphere
    S. Ramachandran
    in Modeling of Planetary Atmospheres, S.A. Haider, V. Sheel and S. Lal, eds.,
    Macmillan Publishers, India, 98-127, 2010
  • 41. Variability in aerosol optical and physical characteristics over the Bay of Bengal and the Arabian Sea deduced from Angstrom exponents
    Sumita Kedia and S. Ramachandran
    Journal of Geophysical Research, 114, D14207, doi:10.1029/2009JD011950, 2009
  • 40. Atmospheric carbonaceous aerosols: issues, radiative forcing and climate impacts
    S. Ramachandran, R. Rengarajan and M.M. Sarin
    Current Science, 97, 18-20, 2009
  • 39. Temporal variability in emission category influence on organic matter aerosols in the Indian region
    R. Cherian, C. Venkataraman and S. Ramachandran
    Geophysical Research Letters, 36, L06809, doi:10.1029/2008GL036311, 2009
  • 38. Features of upper troposphere and lower stratosphere aerosols observed by lidar over Gadanki, a tropical Indian station
    P. Kulkarni, S. Ramachandran, Y. Bhavani Kumar, D. Narayana Rao and M. Krishnaiah
    Journal of Geophysical Research, 113, D17207, doi:10.1029/2007JD009411, 2008
  • 37. Asymmetry parameters in the lower troposphere derived from aircraft measurements of aerosol scattering coefficients over tropical India
    S. Ramachandran and T.A. Rajesh
    Journal of Geophysical Research, 113, D16212, doi:10.1029/2008JD009795, 2008
  • 36. Latitudinal and longitudinal variation in aerosol characteristics from Sun photometer and MODIS over the Bay of Bengal and Arabian Sea during ICARB
    Sumita Kedia and S. Ramachandran
    Journal of Earth System Science, 117, 375-387, 2008
  • 35. Features of aerosol optical depths over the Bay of Bengal and the Arabian Sea during premonsoon season: Variabilities and anthropogenic influence
    Sumita Kedia and S. Ramachandran
    Journal of Geophysical Research, 113, D11201, doi:10.1029/2007JD009070, 2008
  • 34. Regional and seasonal variations in aerosol optical characteristics and their frequency distributions over India during 2001-2005
    S. Ramachandran and R. Cherian
    Journal of Geophysical Research, 113, D08207, doi:10.1029/2007JD008560, 2008
  • 33. Comments on "A method to estimate aerosol radiative forcing from spectral optical depths"
    S. Ramachandran
    Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 65, doi:10.1175/2007JAS2414.1, 1099-1102, 2008
  • 32. Comment on "Surface changes in solar irradiance due to aerosols over central Himalayas"
    S. Ramachandran
    Geophysical Research Letters, 35, L04814, doi:10.1029/2007GL030060, 2008
  • 31. Couplings between changes in the climate system and biogeochemistry
    K.L. Denman, G. Brassuer, A. Chidthaisong, P.Ciais, P. Cox, R.E. Dickinson, D. Hauglastaine, C. Heinze, E. Holland, D. Jacob, U. Lohmann, S.
    Ramachandran, P.L. de Silva Dias, S.C. Wofsy, and X. Zhang
    In: Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis, Contribution of WGI to the Fourth Assessment Report of the IPCC
    S. Solomon, D. Qin, M. Manning, Z. Xhen, M. Marquis, K.B. Averyt, M. Tignor, and H.L. Miller eds.,
    Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK and New York, NY, USA, 499-588, 2007
  • 30. Aerosol optical depth and fine mode fraction variations deduced from Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) over four urban areas in India
    S. Ramachandran
    Journal of Geophysical Research, 112, D12607, doi:10.1029/2007JD008500, 2007
  • 29. New Directions: Correspondence on "How representative are aerosol radiative impact assessments?"
    S. Ramachandran
    Atmospheric Environment, 41, 5536-5540, 2007
  • 28. Source evaluation of aerosols measured during the Indian Ocean Experiment using combined chemical transport and back trajectory modeling
    S. Verma, C. Venkataraman, O. Boucher and S. Ramachandran
    Journal of Geophysical Research, 112, D11210, doi:10.1029/2006JD007698, 2007
  • 27. Black carbon aerosol mass concentrations over Ahmedabad, an urban location in western India: Comparison with urban sites in Asia, Europe, Canada, and the United States
    S. Ramachandran and T.A. Rajesh
    Journal of Geophysical Research, 112, D06211, doi:10.1029/2006JD007488, 2007
  • 26. Aerosol radiative forcing during clear, hazy, and foggy conditions over a continental polluted location in north India
    S. Ramachandran, R. Rengarajan, A. Jayaraman, M.M. Sarin and Sanat K. Das
    Journal of Geophysical Research, 111, D20214, doi:10.1029/2006JD007142, 2006
  • 25. Spatial variations in aerosol characteristics and regional radiative forcing over India: Measurements and modeling of 2004 road campaign experiment
    A. Jayaraman, H. Gadhavi, D. Ganguly, A. Misra, S. Ramachandran and T.A. Rajesh
    Atmospheric Environment, 40, 6504-6515, 2006
  • 24. A model study of the effect of Pinatubo volcanic aerosols on the stratospheric temperatures
    V. Ramaswamy, S. Ramachandran, G.L. Stenchikov and A. Robock
    in Frontiers of Climate Modeling, J.T. Kiehl and V. Ramanathan, eds.,
    Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 152-178, 2006
  • 23. Seasonal and interannual variability in absorbing aerosols over India derived from TOMS: Relationship to regional meteorology and emissions
    G. Habib, C. Venkataraman, I. Chiapello, S. Ramachandran, O. Boucher and M.S. Reddy
    Atmospheric Environment, 40, 1909-1921, 2006
  • 22. Aerosol radiative forcing over Bay of Bengal and Chennai: Comparison with maritime, continental, and urban aerosol models
    S. Ramachandran
    Journal of Geophysical Research, 110, D21206, doi:10.1029/2005JD005861, 2005
  • 21. Premonsoon shortwave aerosol radiative forcings over the Arabian Sea and tropical Indian Ocean: Yearly and monthly mean variabilities
    S. Ramachandran
    Journal of Geophysical Research, 110, D07207, doi:10.1029/2004JD005563, 2005
  • 20. PM2.5 mass concentrations in comparison with aerosol optical depths over the Arabian Sea and Indian Ocean during winter monsoon
    S. Ramachandran
    Atmospheric Environment, 39, 1879-1890, 2005
  • 19. Spectral aerosol optical characteristics during the northeast monsoon over the Arabian Sea and the tropical Indian Ocean: 2. Angstrom parameters and anthropogenic influence
    S. Ramachandran
    Journal of Geophysical Research, 109, D19208, doi:10.1029/2003JD004483, 2004
  • 18. Spectral aerosol optical characteristics during the northeast monsoon over the Arabian Sea and the tropical Indian Ocean: 1. Aerosol optical depths and their variabilities
    S. Ramachandran
    Journal of Geophysical Research, 109, D19207, doi:10.1029/2003JD004476, 2004
  • 17. Balloon-borne study of the upper tropospheric and stratospheric aerosols over a tropical station in India
    S. Ramachandran and A. Jayaraman
    Tellus B, 55, 820-836, 2003
  • 16. Spectral aerosol optical depths over Bay of Bengal and Chennai: II-sources, anthropogenic influence and model estimates
    S. Ramachandran and A. Jayaraman
    Atmospheric Environment, 37, 1951-1962, 2003
  • 15. Spectral aerosol optical depths over Bay of Bengal and Chennai: I-measurements
    S. Ramachandran and A. Jayaraman
    Atmospheric Environment, 37, 1941-1949, 2003
  • 14. Arctic Oscillation Response to the 1991 Mount Pinatubo Eruption: Effects of Volcanic Aerosols and Ozone Depletion
    G.L. Stenchikov, A. Robock, V. Ramaswamy, M.D. Schwarzkopf, K. Hamilton and S. Ramachandran
    Journal of Geophysical Research, 107, 4803, doi:10.1029/2002JD002090, 2002
  • 13. Premonsoon aerosol mass loadings and size distributions over the Arabian Sea and the tropical Indian Ocean
    S. Ramachandran and A. Jayaraman
    Journal of Geophysical Research, 107, 4738, doi:10.1029/2002JD002386, 2002
  • 12. In situ study of aerosol characteristics over the Arabian sea and Indian ocean of relevance to correction of satellite remote sensed data
    A. Jayaraman and S. Ramachandran
    Advances in Space Research, 5, 1045-1049, 2000
  • 11. Radiative impact of the Mt. Pinatubo volcanic eruption: Lower stratospheric response
    S. Ramachandran, V. Ramaswamy, G.L. Stenchikov and A. Robock
    Journal of Geophysical Research, 105, 24,409-24,429, 2000
  • 10. Pinatubo aerosol characteristics from Balloon-borne measurements over Hyderabad
    S. Ramachandran, A. Jayaraman, Y.B. Acharya and B.H. Subbaraya
    in Global Change Studies, B.H. Subbaraya, D.P. Rao, P.S. Desai, B. Manikiam and P. Rajaratnam, eds.,
    Indian Space Research Organisation, Bangalore, 115-137, 1998
  • 9. Aerosol characteristics over the Arabian Sea and the Tropical Indian Ocean
    A. Jayaraman, S. Ramachandran and B.H. Subbaraya
    in Global Change Studies, B.H. Subbaraya, D.P. Rao, P.S. Desai, B. Manikiam and P. Rajaratnam, eds.,
    Indian Space Research Organisation, Bangalore, 93-113, 1998
  • 8. Direct observations of aerosol radiative forcing over the tropical Indian Ocean during the Jan-Feb 1996 Pre-INDOEX cruise
    A. Jayaraman, D. Lubin, S. Ramachandran, V. Ramanathan, E. Woodbridge, W.D. Collins and K.S. Zalpuri
    Journal of Geophysical Research, 103, 13,827-13,836, 1998
  • 7. A model study on the decay of volcanic aerosol layer and verification with Pinatubo and El Chichon data
    S. Ramachandran, A. Jayaraman and B.R. Sitaram
    Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences (Earth and Planetary Sciences), 106, 157-167, 1997
  • 6. Laser radar study of the middle atmosphere over Ahmedabad
    A. Jayaraman, Y.B. Acharya, H. Chandra, B.H. Subbaraya, S. Ramachandran and S. Ramaswamy
    Indian Journal of Radio & Space Physics, 25, 318-327, 1996
  • 5. Pinatubo volcanic aerosol layer observed at Ahmedabad (23 N) India, using Nd:YAG backscatter lidar
    A. Jayaraman, S. Ramachandran, Y.B. Acharya and B.H. Subbaraya
    Journal of Geophysical Research, 100, 23,209-23,214, 1995
  • 4. Compact LED Sun-photometer for atmospheric optical depth measurements
    Y.B. Acharya, A. Jayaraman, S. Ramachandran and B.H. Subbaraya
    Applied Optics, 34, 1209-1214, 1995
  • 3. Mode radius and asymmetry factor of Mt. Pinatubo volcanic aerosol from balloon-borne optical measurements over Hyderabad
    S. Ramachandran, A. Jayaraman, Y.B. Acharya and B.H. Subbaraya
    Geophysical Research Letters, 21, 2011-2014, 1994
  • 2. Balloon-borne photometric studies of the stratospheric aerosol layer after Mt. Pinatubo eruption
    S. Ramachandran, A. Jayaraman, Y.B. Acharya and B.H. Subbaraya
    Journal of Geophysical Research, 99, 16,771-16,778, 1994
  • 1. Features of aerosol optical depths over Ahmedabad as observed with a sun-tracking photometer
    S. Ramachandran, A. Jayaraman, Y.B. Acharya and B.H. Subbaraya
    Contributions to Atmospheric Physics, 67, 57-70, 1994


S. Ramachandran

Senior Professor
Space and Atmospheric Sciences Division
Physical Research Laboratory,
Ahmedabad 380009, India.
Phone : +91-79-26314664
Fax : +91-79-26314659
Email : [email protected]
Webpage : https://www.prl.res.in/~ram