Mt. Abu Faint Object Spectrograph and Camera – Pathfinder

MFOSC-P presents a novel design and cost-effective way to develop a FOSC (Faint Object Spectrograph and Camera) type of instrument on a shorter time-scale of development. Its design and development methodology are, in particular, suitable for the small aperture telescopes. The design and other characterization aspects of MFOSC-P are discussed in the following reference:

“Design and development of Mt.Abu faint object spectrograph and camera – Pathfinder (MFOSC-P) for PRL 1.2m Mt. Abu Telescope”, Srivastava et al., 2021, Experimental Astronomy, volume 51, pages345–382"

Instruments Design Specifications

(from Srivastava et al. 2021, Experimental Astronomy, volume 51, pages345–382 ( ))

Gratings Specifications for Spectroscopy

(from Srivastava et al. 2021, Experimental Astronomy, volume 51, pages345–382 ( ))

Emission line profiles from calibration lamps spectroscopy

Figure 1: Figure shows the line profiles for Xenon and Neon spectral calibration lamps for all the three spectroscopy modes of MFOSC-P for 75 microns slit (~1 arc-second on the sky). The central zero wavelength corresponds to Xenon lamp’s 7119 angstrom line using R500 (150 lp/mm) grating (Dots), Xenon lamp’s 5028 angstrom line using R1000 (300 lp/mm) grating (stars), and Neon lamp’s 6506 angstrom line using R2000 (500 lp/mm) grating (triangles). Gaussian fits to these lines result in ∼3 pixels FWHMs which correspond to 10.9, 5.7 and 3.2 angstroms respectively for R500, R1000, and R2000 modes respectively. Figure is reproduced from Srivastava et al., 2021, Experimental Astronomy, volume 51, pages345–382.

MFOSC-P on-Sky Spectra of T CrB – A Symbiotic System

Figure 2: Spectra of a symbiotic system - T CrB as obtained from MFOSC-P from its three spectroscopy modes for varying resolutions and spectral ranges.

SNR achieved from MFOSC-P for Spectroscopy

Figure 3: Comparison of simulated Signal to noise ratio (SNR) from MFOSC-P spectra with observed data. The model assumes 2.0 arc-seconds FWHM seeing and 1.0 arc-second slit width. Figure is reproduced from Srivastava et al., 2021, Experimental Astronomy, volume 51, pages345–382.

MFOSC-P on-Sky imaging

Figure 4: V band Image of a region of M21 Open Cluster from MFOSC-P. A source of V magnitude ∼15.74 (encircled) is observed with an error of 0.15 magnitude (SNR∼7.3) in 40 seconds of integration time. Figure is reproduced from Srivastava et al., 2021, Experimental Astronomy, volume 51, pages345–382.

Publications from MFOSC-P

Refereed Publications

  1. "Optical and near-infrared spectroscopy of Nova V2891 Cygni: Evidence for shock-induced dust formation", Kumar et al, Accepted for Publication in MNRAS
    arXiv :
    (ADS Link:

  2. “The Flare-Activity of 2MASSJ16111534-1757214 in the Upper Scorpius association”, 2021, Guenther et al, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 507, Issue 2, October 2021, Pages 2103–2114
    arXiv :
    (ADS Link:

  3. “Design and development of Mt.Abu faint object spectrograph and camera - Pathfinder (MFOSC-P) for PRL 1.2m Mt. Abu Telescope”, 2021, Srivastava et al., Experimental Astronomy volume 51, pages345–382, doi: 10.1007/s10686-021-09753-5 (ADS Link:

  4. “UV spectroscopy confirms SU Lyn to be a symbiotic star”, 2021, Kumar et al., Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters, Volume 500, Issue 1, pp.L12-L16, doi: 10.1093/mnrasl/slaa159
    (ADS link:

  5. “First results from MFOSC-P: low-resolution optical spectroscopy of a sample of M dwarfs within 100 parsecs”, 2020, Rajpurohit et al., Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 492, Issue 4, p.5844-5852 doi: 10.1093/mnras/staa163
    (ADS Link:

Conference Proceedings

  1. “Design and development of Mt. Abu faint object spectrograph and camera-pathfinder (MFOSC-P) for PRL 1.2m Mt. Abu telescope, India”, 2018, Srivastava et al., Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 10702, id. 107024I 12 pp. (2018), doi: 10.1117/12.2309306 (ADS link: