Accelerator Mass Spectrometer (AMS) and its applications.
Cosmogenic Radionuclide application in Earth & Planetary Sciences.
Ocean circulation and air-sea exchange studies using radiocarbon.
Radicarbon dating of archeological, geological and marine samples.
Paleoclimatic and paleoenvirontmental studies using lake and marine sediments.
Current Research
AMS Radiocarbon Dating, 10Be and 26Al applications.
Chemical and Isotopic Oceanography
GEOTRACES: Studies of Trace elements and their isotopes in water column and sediments from the Indian Ocean
Paleoclimatic studies from the Northern Indian Ocean.
High Resolution studies of climate and ocean variability during modern times to past thousand years using corals and sediments from lake and marine environment.
Laboratory Facilities
Accelerator Mass Spectrometer (AMS)
Elemental Analyser
TOC Analyser
HPGE Gamma Detector
Graphitization System
Fellow: Geological Society of India
Fellow: The Society of Earth Scientists
Visiting Professor: AORI, University of Tokyo, Oct-Nov,2010
Memberships of Associations:
Member, American Geophyiscal Union
Member, Indian Acedemy of Sciences
Life Member, Indian Meterological Society (Ahmedabad Chapter)
Dutta, K. and Bhushan, R., "Radiocarbon in the Northern Indian Ocean two decades after GEOSECS", Global Biogeochemical Cycles, v. 26, GB2018, 2012.
Singh, Satinder Pal., Singh, S. K., Goswami, V.,Bhushan, R. and Rai, V. K., "Spatial distribution of dissolved neodymium and ENd in the Bay of Bengal:
Role of particulate matter and mixing of water masses",
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, v.94, pp.38-56, 2012.
Goswami, V., Singh, S. K., Bhushan, R. and Rai, V. K., "Temporal variations in 87Sr/86Sr and ENd in sediments of the southeastern Arabian Sea: Impact of monsoon and surface water circulation", Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems, v.13, Q01001, 2012.
Bhushan, R., Dutta, K. and Somayajulu, B. L.K., "Estimates of Upwelling rates in the Arabian Sea and the Equatorial Indian Ocean based on bomb radiocarbon ", J. Environmental Radioactivity, v.99, pp. 1566-1571, 2008.
Dutta, K., Bhushan, R., and Somayajulu, B.L.K., "Rapid vertical mixing in deep waters of the Andaman Basin", The Science of the Total Environment, v.384, pp.401-408, 2007.
Juyal, N., Chamyal, L.S., Bhandari, S., Bhushan, R., and Singhvi, A. K., "Continental records of the southwest monsoon during the last 130ka: Evidence from the southern margin of the Thar Desert, India", Quaternary Science Reviews,
v.25, pp. 2632-2650, 2006.
Bhushan, R., Dutta, K., Mulsow, S., Povinec, P. P. and Somayajulu, B.L.K., "Distribution of natural and man-made radionuclides during reoccupation of GEOSECS Stations 413 and 416 in the Arabian Sea: Temporal change",Deep Sea Research II, v.50, pp. 2777-2784, 2003.
Agnihotri, R., Dutta, K., Bhushan, R., and Somayajulu, B.L.K., "Evidence for Solar forcing on Indian monsoon during the last millennium", Earth and Planet Sci. Lett., v. 198, pp.521-527, 2002.
Dutta, K.,Bhushan, R., and Somayajulu, B.L.K., "Delta-R-correction values for the Northern Indian Ocean", Radiocarbon, v. 43,issue. 2, pp. 483-488, 2001.
Bhushan, R., Dutta, K. and Somayajulu, B.L.K., "Burial fluxes of organic and inorganic carbon during the past century on the eastern margins of the Arabian Sea", Marine Geology, v.178, pp. 95-113, 2001.
Bhushan, R., Somayajulu, B.L.K., Chakraborty, S. and Krishnaswami, S., "Radiocarbon measurements in the Arabian Sea water column: Temporal variations since two decades after GEOSECS and CO2 air-sea exchange rates", J. Geophysics Res., v.105 (C6), pp. 14273-14282, 2000.
Somayajulu, B.L.K., Bhushan, R., Sarkar, Ashish., Burr, G. S., and Jull, A.J. T.,"Sediment deposition rates on the continental margins of the eastern Arabian Sea using 210Pb, 137Cs and 14C", The Science of the Total Environment, v.237/238, pp. 429, 1999.
Somayajulu, B.L.K., Bhushan, R., Krishnaswami, S. and Narvekar, P. V., "Delta-14C, Sigma-CO2 and salinity of the Western Indian Ocean Deep Waters: Spatial and Temporal Variation", Geophysics Res. Lett., v. 26, Issue. 18, pp. 2869-2872, 1999.
Krishnaswami, S., Bhushan, R., and Bhaskaran, M., "Radium isotopes and Rn-22 in shallow brines, Kharaghoda (India)", Chem. Geol.(Isotope Geoscience Section), v. 87, pp. 125-136, 1991.